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Windows 8 Holiday Rush Challenge!!

Looking for a new tablet this holiday season?  Maybe a present for a family member?  Maybe even a new toy for yourself?  Well, look no further.  Why not enter the Windows 8 Holiday Rush Challenge, where you can win a FREE Dell Venue 8 Pro Tablet for simply publishing apps to the Windows 8 store.  Have games or apps on other platforms?  Just port them over and get some entries into the drawing for one of these fabulous tablets!  Further details below!

THREE brand new Dell Venue 8 Pro tablets. Read more about them here: https://www.dell.com/learn/us/en/19/campaigns/dell-venue-tablets-dhs-us

Dell Venue 11 Pro

Here’s how it works:

  1. Between RIGHT NOW and December 20th, you need to write and publish a NEW Windows 8 app. Doesn’t matter what it is, but it CANNOT be an update to an existing app.
  2. You MUST email a link to the app to this list (fla-windev). If someone you know isn’t already on the list, send them here: https://bit.ly/fla-windev
  3. You MUST list your new app in the Florida App Hub.  It’s VERY simple to do. Read Joe Healy’s blog post on the App Hub, with links back to Zach Williamson’s blog with more details here: https://blogs.msdn.com/b/devfish/archive/2013/08/28/florida-app-hub-by-z-williamson-app-callout.aspx
  4. Your app MUST have at least 10 reviews. Doesn’t matter how bad they are, but you have to have at least 10 total.

After you’ve done all of this, you’ve earned ONE entry. And get this: If your app uses one of the APIMASH libraries, it gets a SECOND entry. More about APIMASH here: https://bit.ly/apimash

Every app you create that follows the guidelines above is eligible. That means 10 apps (rated, listed in the App Hub, and emailed to the group) gets you 10 entries. If they all use an APIMASH library, that’s 20 entries.

And just to sweeten the pot, if we get at least 25 TOTAL apps entered, I’ll put in a FOURTH tablet into the mix. If I get 40 TOTAL apps? I’ll add yet ANOTHER tablet, for a total of FIVE.