다음을 통해 공유

Project Server 2007 - Project Server Developer Community Expanding

Leveraging the development aspects of Project Server 2007 spans a wide range of skills.  PWA customizations (ASP.NET), workflow development, line of business applications integration using the PSI, extending Project Server functionality using server side events, specialized reporting from the Project Server databases and experience using VSTO are all areas of discussion. 

The Project Server Product Group currently supports these efforts through channels such as the this Blog, Project Support WebLog, Project.Server Discussion, Project.Developer Discussion, and the Project 2007 Team Blog.

To streamline and augment the existing efforts, we are seeking developers to join the already established Project.Developer Discussion Group

By joining we invite you to share and discover knowledge about Project Server 2007's highly extensible out-of-the-box developer's platform, access Project Server Developer best practices, utilize a technical window back to the MS Project Server Development Group, and take part in several specialized webcasts on Development topics coming up in the next couple months.

To identify yourself as someone that would like to join the Development Community, please contact Joyce Bileau, v-joyceb@microsoft for more information.

To join, go to https://msdn.microsoft.com/newsgroups/default.aspx?dg=microsoft.public.project.developer.
