다음을 통해 공유

Is it the right time to rearm the Project 2010 Beta Demo Image?

This procedure is described in the document “Setting up the Virtual Machine” that accompanies the Project 2010 Beta Demo VM.


Some of you might be running into activation messages, like “You must activate Windows today” or your virtual machine will be rebooting every 2 hours. To prevent spoiled demos please read on -


Perform re-arming (no Internet connectivity required) – temporary solution

Please perform the “re-arming” of your image (https://support.microsoft.com/kb/948472).

1. Start your image

2. Logon into the image as Administrator

3. Start -> Run, type CMD

4. Into the command prompt window type “slmgr -rearm” (without quotes)

5. You should see dialog saying “command completed successfully”.


6. Reboot the VM

7. After reboot the VM your evaluation period has been extended

8. Please remember to warp-um all pages before your demo!


Q: What is the demo VM, where do I get it?

A: “The Project 2010 Solution demo provides a comprehensive overview of the new  and existing capabilities included in Microsoft Project Professional 2010 and Microsoft Project Server 2010. The demo follows the life of a software development project from inception through to completion.” More on the second part here - https://blogs.msdn.com/project_programmability/archive/2010/02/25/project-2010-beta-virtual-lab-is-available-as-hosted-experience-in-your-browser.aspx 


