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VMRole Gallery Item – Exchange Server 2013

This post is part of a series for the Building Clouds Blog Gallery Items for Collaboration Workloads.  For more information see the following Table of Contents post - https://aka.ms/bcbgicw.


The Exchange Server 2013 gallery resource enables a service provider or enterprise administrator to publish a gallery item for tenants to deploy Exchange Server 2013 CU2 on Windows Server 2012.



Download the Exchange Server 2013 CU2 Windows Azure Pack Virtual Machine Role Gallery Item



This item does not include Active Directory which is required for Exchange. You might consider the Domain Controller VMRole published to the Service Models WebPI Feed, to also publish in your environment.   For more information see the page below in reference to the Web Platform Installer.

Downloading and Installing Windows Azure Pack Gallery Resource

This item has required post-installation tasks.   For more details review the TechNet article “Exchange Post-Installation Tasks”.

Exchange 2013 Post-Installation Tasks   

This VMRole Gallery Item is loosely based on work we completed regarding a Service Template for the same workload.  For more information see the following post.

Exchange Server 2013 CU2 Service Templates for Virtual Machine Manager


In order to publish the gallery resources as a gallery item, you must

  1. Add application payload content to the resource extension package.
  2. Import the resource extension package into System Center Virtual Machine Manager.
  3. Ensure the virtual hard disk for the operating system is properly prepared and has all the necessary properties set.
  4. Ensure the data disk is also properly prepared and has all the necessary properties set.
  5. Import the resource definition package as a gallery item.
  6. Make the gallery item public and add it to a plan.

Application Payload

Before importing the resource extension package, you must complete the modifications below.

File copy

Edit the resource extension file and copy the prerequisite installers in to the application payload folder.  If this is the first time you have imported content in to a resource extension and you would like additional information, a more detailed guide to this process is also linked below.

  1. Open the ResExtPkg file by renaming it and adding .zip.
  2. Open the folder src.
  3. Open the folder ExchangeInstallScript.
  4. Open the folder prereqs.
  5. Copy the downloads for UCMA and FilterPack in to this folder.
  6. When finished, remove the .zip file extension.

Detailed guidance.

Windows Azure Pack VMRole Gallery Items for Collaboration Workloads


The content required as application payload can be downloaded from the following sites.

Unified Communications Managed API 4.0 Runtime

Office 2010 Filter Packs (64 bit)

System Center Virtual Machine Manager

In order to use a gallery resource, you must take the following actions in System Center Virtual Machine Manager.

Import Resource Extension Package

Using PowerShell, you must import the resource extension package into the virtual machine manager library.

Sample Windows PowerShell

001 002 003 $libsharepath = <you must set the library sharepath from your environment> $resextpkg = “<pathtofile>\ExchangeServer2013CU2.resextpkg” Import-CloudResourceExtension –ResourceExtensionPath $resextpkg –SharePath $libsharepath –Description “Exchange Server 2013”

The import can only be done using PowerShell.

To verify the import, run the get-CloudResourceExtension PowerShell command and locate the newly imported extension.

001 Get-CloudResourceExtension

Prepare the virtual hard disk – Operating System template

A virtual hard disk containing a sysprepped version of one of the available editions of Windows Server 2012 must be added to a SCVMM library share.

Set Virtual Hard Disk Properties

You must provide a virtual hard disk from which the virtual machine role will be created. You may have a virtual hard disk used in other virtual machine creations that will work for this gallery resource.

Operating System

The virtual hard disk must be sysprepped and contain a valid Windows Server 2012 operating system.

Since this resource extension will only work with Windows Server 2012, use one of the following operating system values on your Windows Server 2012 virtual hard disks.

  • 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
  • 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2012 Standard

Sample PowerShell

001 002 003 $myVHD = <you must set to the virtual hard disk in your environment> $WS2012Datacenter = Get-SCOperatingSystem | where { $_.name –eq “64-bit edition of Windows Server 2012 Datacenter” } Set-scvirtualharddisk –virtualharddisk $myVHD –OperatingSystem $WS2012Datacenter

The Operating System value can be set using PowerShell or the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console.

FamilyName and Release

The FamilyName and Release properties of the virtual hard disk must be set in order for the Windows Azure Pack portal to display the virtual hard disk as an available disk for this gallery resource. The FamilyName and Release properties are shown in the portal drop-down list, so set them to values that will make sense to your user.


FamilyName property values should indicate the contents of the virtual hard disk, including the Windows Server release and edition. For this gallery resource, you should consider the following FamilyName values.

  • Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
  • Windows Server 2012 Standard

Release property values must conform to the Windows Azure versioning scheme of n.n.n.n

  • etc

Sample PowerShell

001 002 003 $myVHD = <you must get the virtual hard disk in your environment> Set-SCVirtualHardDisk –VirtualHardDisk $myVHD –FamilyName “Windows Server 2012 Standard” ” –Release “”

FamilyName and Release values can be set using PowerShell or the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console.


This gallery resource depends on a virtual hard disk with the following tags.

  • WindowsServer2012
  • R1

Sample PowerShell

001 002 $myVHD = <you must set to the virtual hard disk in your environment> Set-SCVirtualHardDisk –virtualharddisk $myVHD –Tag “WindowsServer2012”,”R1”

The tag property can only be set using PowerShell.

Prepare the virtual hard disk – Data Disk

A virtual hard disk containing the Exchange Server 2013 CU2 installation files must be added to a SCVMM library share.

Set Virtual Hard Disk Properties

You must provide a virtual hard disk that will be attached to the virtual machine created by the virtual machine role.


Download the following files.

Now Available: Updated Release of Exchange 2013 RTM CU2

UPDATE - CU3 Release

Security Update For Exchange Server 2013 CU2 (KB2874216)

Copy the contents of the Exchange 2013 RTM CU2 download in to a new folder in the data disk VHDX file.  The subfolder name is required because the installations scripts call the specific path to setup.exe.


Copy the security update file in to a new subfolder inside the Exchange2013CU2 folder with the name “Updates”.


FamilyName and Release

The FamilyName and Release properties of the virtual hard disk must be set in order for the virtual hard disk to be discovered and connected to the gallery resource.


FamilyName property value must match the following value.

  • ExchangeDataDisk

Release property values must match the following value.


Sample PowerShell

001 002 003 $myVHD = <you must get the virtual hard disk in your environment> Set-SCVirtualHardDisk –VirtualHardDisk $myVHD –FamilyName “ExchangeDataDisk” ” –Release “”

FamilyName and Release values can be set using PowerShell or the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console.


No tags are required for the data disk.

Windows Azure Pack Service Administrator Portal

Once the resource extension and virtual hard disk are all correctly set in SCVMM, you can import the resource definition package using the Service Administrator Portal in the Windows Azure Pack.

Import Resource Definition Package

  1. Open the Service Admin Portal.
  2. Navigate to the VM Clouds workspace.
  3. Click the Gallery tab.
  4. Import.
  5. Select and import the ExchangeServer2013CU2.resdefpkg file in the unzipped location.
  6. Note that the gallery item now is listed on the Gallery tab.

Now that the packages for the Virtual Machine Role have been installed, you can publish the gallery item to make it available to tenants.

Publish gallery item and add to a plan

To make the Virtual Machine Role available to the tenant, you need to add it to a plan. In this procedure, you publish the Virtual Machine Role that you installed.

To publish the gallery item

  1. On the Gallery tab, select the version of the gallery item that you just imported.
  2. Click the arrow next to the gallery item name.
  3. Explore the details of the gallery item.
  4. Navigate back and click Make Public.
  5. Select the Plans workspace in the Service Admin Portal.
  6. Select the plan to which you want to add this gallery item.
  7. Select the Virtual Machine Clouds service.
  8. Scroll to the Gallery section.
  9. Click Add Gallery Items.
  10. Select the gallery items that you imported, and then click Save.

The Virtual Machine Role is now available to the tenant as part of the selected plan.

Deployment settings

When deploying this virtual machine role, the user must provide values for the following settings

  • Name – Sets the name of the object that will appear in the WAP interface to represent the service.
  • Local Administrator Credential – Type the password for the Administrator account that will be used inside the virtual machine for the local operating system.
  • Domain Name – The FQDN of the existing Active Directory environment that the VM will join.
  • Run As Credentials – The domain\account and password that will be used to join the domain and install Exchange. This also means the account will require permissions to extend the Active Directory schema.
  • Organization – Name for the Exchange organization.


When complete, log in as a test admin and construct the prerequisites in the environment including a network, domain controller including a DNS server, and add the DNS client settings to the network.  Then deploy the Exchange gallery item.  Console connect to the resulting VM and perform post-installation tasks.image

This gallery item may be combined with the other Building Clouds Blog Gallery Items and the Sample VMRole Packages to construct a collaboration environment.

Stay tuned to the Building Clouds Blog!


  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2013
    Pingback from Windows Azure Pack Blog Post Overview on Building Clouds & TechNet - Building Clouds Blog - Site Home - TechNet Blogs
  • Anonymous
    January 06, 2014
    Pingback from Windows Azure Pack Blog Post Overview on Building Clouds & TechNet
  • Anonymous
    January 08, 2014
    Over the last three “Best Practices” posts, I’ve looked at how to Plan , Build , and Deploy a Hybrid
  • Anonymous
    January 08, 2014
    Pingback from Success with Hybrid Cloud: Best Practices for Operating Your Hybrid Cloud
  • Anonymous
    January 09, 2014
    Over the last three “Best Practices” posts, I’ve looked at how to Plan , Build , and Deploy a Hybrid
  • Anonymous
    January 09, 2014
    Pingback from Success with Hybrid Cloud: Best Practices for Operating Your Hybrid Cloud
  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2014
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  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2014
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  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2014
    在前三篇“最佳实践”文章中,我们讨论了如何 规划 、 构建 和 部署 混合云 – 既然混合云已经上线运行,接下来该看看如何 保持 它始终在最佳状态下运行,并提供高性能
  • Anonymous
    March 28, 2014
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