다음을 통해 공유

Tip #5 – The UnfortunateTruth

And now for the final tip of the week!  Well, there is great saying that “the first step in solving a problem is to admit that there is a problem”.  Despite the great effort that has been done by the WEPOS development teamon the latest WEPOS 1.1 Update release, some WEPOS user interface elements are still not localized. This includes many Start Menu items and shortcuts, shortcut folders, and shortcut tool tips. The number of items that are not localized varies depending on which locale you are working on and on whether that locale has a WEPOS update from KB903897 (See "Tip 4 - The Lucky 7").  The release notes (relnotes.txt) on the WEPOS MUI CDs discuss this in greater detail, so take a look through that file for more information. The good news is the WEPOS development is working on improving this for the next release.

That is it for the week of tips on WEPOS localization and international language support. Thank you for reading along and … stay global! 

- Pawin