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Servicing FAQs for Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 OEMs

When I go to a monthly update download page for POSReady 2009 on the ECE from April, 2009 or earlier, why isn’t POSReady 2009 listed in the title?

The monthly Security updates for Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, from code freeze through April-2009, do not list POSReady 2009 on the download page Titles themselves. This is because the downloads weren’t mapped for POSReady 2009 applicability until April. Updates since April-2009 do list Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 in the page Title. All of the POSReady 2009 Monthly Updates are linked from here:


What updates should I install from the monthly supplemental DVD I download from the ECE?

POSReady 2009 consumes the same updates as Windows XP. Windows XP updates are delivered on the Desktop Operating System (DTOS) update IMG, along with all other DTOS updates, including Vista, Windows 7, etc.

Use the Security Bulletin announcements (https://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/summary.mspx), particularly the Affected Software, Windows Operating System section, to indicate which of the updates are intended for installation on Windows XP. The only updates that are potentially applicable to POSReady 2009 are those updates targeting Windows XP, x86, ENU.

Even some of the Windows XP updates may not be applicable to a POSReady 2009 environment, since it is a subset of Windows XP technologies. If an update is not applicable, it will not install even if executed on the system. This is also how updating Windows XP works, you may not have everything installed that could be installed on the system, therefore the update technology checks to see if the update is required and only installs when it is.

I’m an OEM, how do I ensure my POSReady 2009 image is up to date with Security updates?

End users depend on OEM guidance and a defined servicing plan with their OEM to ensure they install compatible and necessary Security updates. With this plan in place, their systems stay secure, and maintain industry standard compliance if required.

If your servicing plan for your customers includes Windows Update usage, one choice to bring a system current with security updates is to enable Windows Update on the device, and update the device with all required Windows Security Updates.

Another way to ship up-to-date POSReady 2009 devices is to download the monthly security supplemental update DVDs from the ECE, beginning with October, 2008. Apply each Windows XP, x86, ENU Security Update (see the previous question for information about applicable updates) through the current month prior to deploying your devices. Ensure that you have a servicing plan in place with your end users to maintain the security and integrity of the devices.


Technorati Tags: Point of Sale,Point of Service,Embedded