다음을 통해 공유

Installing the GDI+ Security Update, KB938464, on Windows Embedded for Point of Service

Due to an issue with settings to minimize the footprint of WEPOS, a Security Update for GDI +, KB938464, is not getting installed. Please follow these instructions to install this important update. If you have already installed the SP3 update for WEPOS, you should use the files from the SP3QFE directory when instructed to move the QFE folder.

  1. Start a command prompt, this can be done by Clicking on Run from the Start menu, typing ‘cmd’ and pressing Enter.

  2. Extract the files from the package by changing directories to the directory where you have copied the update and typing the following at the command prompt:
    WindowsXP-KB938464-x86-ENU.exe /x:<dir name>

    The remainder of these steps can be done from within Windows Explorer or from the Command Prompt as shown by the examples.

  3. Move the SP2QFE\ASMS folder (or the SP3QFE\ASMS folder if you have installed the SP3 update for WEPOS) to the root of your extracted folder.
    move <dir name>\SP2QFE\ASMS

  4. Execute the update.
    <dir name>\update\update.exe

  5. You will be guided through installation wizard to install the package. After installation is complete, the system will reboot.

  6. You can now delete the temporary folder:
    rmdir /s <dir name>

Example: (from a command prompt)
WindowsXP-KB938464-x86-ENU.exe /x:c:\temp\KB938464
cd /d c:\temp\KB938464
cd update
