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Installing POS for .NET from Your Installer

Version 1.12 of the installer for POS for .NET is available for download here: https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=EAAE202A-0FCC-406A-8FDE-35713D7841CA&displaylang=en


The download from this website contains a self-extracting archive. Once the archive is downloaded and extracted, you will find the following content:


Setup.exe - This is the installer setup program for POS for .NET.

1033 - This folder contains language localization files for the setup.exe installer.

Documentation - This folder contains release notes used by the setup.exe installer.

POSFor.NET - This folder contains the POSfor.NET.msi and related files used by the setup.exe installer.

Res – This folder contains resources used by the setup.exe installer.

VCRuntime – This folder contains the installer for the Visual C runtime.


If you would like to install POS for .NET on your local system, simply use the Setup.exe program to perform the installation. When you run the installer, you will be presented with a number of installation options:


      Typical – Installs the POS for .NET runtime components and the PosDM command line tool

      Complete – Installs POS all components (runtime, PosDM, and SDK)

      SDK – This installs the SDK documentation and sample code


The installer can also be used from the command line or to perform silent installs from within your own installer. To see a list of available options, run the setup.exe with the /? option from the command line. The most commonly used options include:


      /ADDLOCAL [feature list or “ALL”] – silent install of the specified features

      /REMOVE [feature list or “ALL”] – uninstall the specified features

      /REPAIR [feature list or “ALL”] – silent repair of an installation.


The “/ADDLOCAL” feature will add the components specified (if they are not already installed) using a silent install. The feature list is a common separated list and may include one or more of the following options:


      Runtime – Indicate the POS for .NET runtime

      Posdm – Indicates PosDM management tools

      SDK – Indicates the SDK

      ALL – Specifies all of the above components


For example, to perform a typical installation one could invoke setup from within their own installation program with the following options:


      Setup.exe /ADDLOCAL Runtime,Posdm



Other MSI arguments (such as /s for silent install) may also be passed on the command line.


It is recommended that when installing POS for .NET from another installer to use the setup.exe instead of the MSI. This will ensure that all dependent components (such as the C runtime) are present. NOTE: When performing silent install, you should install the required components (Visual C Runtime, .NET Framework 2.0.50727) if they are not already installed.


 - Sylvester


  • Anonymous
    July 04, 2008
    Is there a method I can use in my project to detect whether POS for dot Net is already installed?

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2008
    I know this isn't the correct forum to ask this question. But is it possible to send a beep to a POS printer like EPSON T88 TIII?

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2008
    As good a place as any to ask .... what is the address of a forum that we can ask these questions and at least get peer-to-peer support. TIA.

  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2008
    If you use our installer, you do not need to check if POS for .NET is already installed, as the installer will do this for you.  However, there is a ProductVersion key in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPOSfor.NETSetup that indicates the version of the product installed (if installed).

  • Sylvester
  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2008
    For general community support questions, there is a usenet newsgroup available (microsoft.public.windows.embedded.pointofservice) from Microsoft's usenet server.   The newsgroup is also available via web: http://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsgroups/list/en-us/default.aspx?dg=microsoft.public.windows.embedded.pointofservice As to the question about getting a printer to beep, there are no commands in UnifiedPOS specific for doign this with a printer.  It may be possible via directIO - you would need to find out from your printer maker as this is would be device specific.  It might be better to just have the computer beep.

  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2008
    I am in the process of developing a POS application however I have not played with POS for .NET yet. My setup is XP Pro, PostgreSQL and .Net C#. I am actually a little concerned about the expenses currently so choosing things carefully. I read somewhere that POS for .NET is not free and in order to use it in a commercial product you would have to buy a license. Is this correct? because I could not find any information online about the license and want to confirm it before making a use of it in my application. I am currently aiming to deploy the application on XP Pro machines rather than on WePOS, so alittle bit concerned with using POS for .NET. Could someone please advise me on this, because I am struggling to get information. Thanks

  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2008
    POS for .NET is free.  If you find any reference otherwise, please post the information to this blog and we'll look into it.

  • Harlan
  • Anonymous
    September 17, 2008
    Hello again Thanks for the reply, I have managed to find the page where one of the MS Embedded OS Distributors mentions something about it. It seems like he is not telling the truth. Anyways its for you to decide: http://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsgroups/list/en-us/default.aspx?dg=microsoft.public.windows.embedded.pointofservice The last post on page 2 is the one I am talking about it is dated 11/4/2005 and the title is evaluation version? especially the fourth entry in the thread [by John Coyne (eMVP)]. Well this post was posted in 2005 so i think ther might have been some information missing. Thanks

  • Anonymous
    September 18, 2008
    POS for .NET is defiantly free!  You may download it from the link provided at the top of the page, and may freely distribute it with your application on the supported platforms.  Sometimes people will refer to WePOS and POS for .NET together.  WePOS is an operating system that targets retail and is not free.  POS for .NET is an API for interfacing with POS devices, it is free, and supports a number of OS platforms including XP, Vista, and WePOS. -- Sylvester

  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2009
    Q. Is POS for .NET compatible with an OPOS “device”? A. POS for .NET is compatible with many legacy OPOS