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Companion Setup Tour Part 3: Create USB Flash Drive Install

On part two of our tour last week, we discussed MUI languages. We will conclude the tour this week with a look at one more wizard provided by Companion Setup.

Companion CD screenshot

POSReady allows for installation from a bootable USB Flash Drive. The Create USB Flash Drive Install wizard allows you to configure a USB drive as POSReady installation media. Unlike the previous two wizards I explained, which could only be accessed from within a POSReady installation, this wizard can be run on any Windows system.

This wizard will detect all USB drives connected to the system that are of an appropriate size to store the POSReady installation. When you select the drive you wish use from the dropdown menu and click Install, the wizard will format the drive, prepare it as bootable device, and then copy over the necessary files.

When the process completes, your USB drive will be fully functional POSReady installation media. This also means that it includes its own Companion Setup. During the initial preparation of the USB drive, you could have also selected various Companion Programs and MUI Languages to copy over as well such that they would be available when launching Companion Setup from the USB. And of course, you can use the Companion Setup on your newly generated POSReady USB media to generate even more POSReady USB media!

And that concludes our tour! I hope you enjoyed the trip and learned a few things along the way. Be sure to watch your head when disembarking the bus and don’t forget to tip your driver!
