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Project "Orleans" on Windows Azure TUESDAY December 10th, 6.30-9.30pm in London

Hosted by UKWAUG, come and have a drink on them... Fairly open bar (they'll be using @andybareweb's credit card) and chatter with friends on all subjects Windows Azure. Kick off at 6.30pm at the Bell Pub, upstairs room (Bell Pub is Middlesex Street so a stone's throw away from Liverpool Street station). There’ll be
a talk at 7pm by Kristofer Liljeblad from the Microsoft TED team who'll be discussing the Actor based Windows Azure framework "Orleans" and how it can be applied across various lines of business from gaming, internet of things and other highly interactive applications.
Kristofer will be around all evening to answer questions on customer best practices and architectures.

See you there.

The Bell Pub can be found here https://www.thebellpub.co.uk/index.php

Register here.