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Forecasting a cloudy evening in London on 11th November…

An invitation to the inaugural Cloud Evening. Cloud Evening is the UK's only Cloud-focused user group.

We want to build on the interest in the market about the Cloud and provide a forum for developers and architects to meet and discuss relevant topics.

We meet approximately quarterly and we'll be doing 2 presentations per meeting and, of course, have free beer and pizza.

Please RSVP, as spaces are limited. You can register for the event at https://cloudeve.ning.com/events/inaugural-cloud-evening

Located at Skills Matter in Clerkenwell





The following is the agenda for our inaugural Cloud Evening:




Real world experience of a startup using Azure (by @RossDScott):

We've seen the demos, written the "Hello World" but is it really a good idea? This session will take you through the first 3 months of a new startup developing on the Azure platform.

- An introduction to the technical concepts (from a coding point of view)

- Cost driven development, a new way of thinking.

- Data storage, should I go with the easy option or change my relational mindset?

- What's it actually going to cost me?

- A few tips and tricks


Break for Beer & Pizza


PDC 2010 Round Up (by @MarkRendle)

Mark will give a round up of the Cloud announcements at this years PDC, plus a deep dive into some of the new capabilities of the Azure platform. There will be as many demos as possible, as well as covering announcements where demos are not possible.

Speakers Bios:

- Ross Scott (@RossDScott) - For the last year Ross has been bootstraping a startup business in his evenings and weekends. The platform of choice for Ross was Azure as this gave him the path of least resistance and the greatest confidence.
Ross has been a developer for 10 years and has been contracting for the last 3.

- Mark Rendle - Mark is currently employed as a Senior Software Architect by Dot Net Solutions Ltd, creating all manner of software on the Microsoft stack, including ASP.NET MVC, Windows Azure, WPF and Silverlight.
His career in software design and development spans three decades and more programming languages than he can remember. C# has been his favourite language pretty much since the first public beta, when you had to write the code in a text editor and compile it on the command line. Those were the days. You kids today, with your IntelliSense and your ReSharpers, don’t know you’re born...
Things vying for Mark’s attention lately include functional programming, internet-centric applications, the Azure cloud platform and NoSQL data stores.


The aim of this forum is to create a debate about Cloud Technologies. It’s not all about Windows Azure – in the future we’ll have presentations and hopefully lively debate on Amazon Web Services, AppEngine, Force etc and would encourage proponents of those technologies to attend and share their experiences.

If you are a UK based developer involved in the cloud – this has got to be a “must-attend event. Don’t forget the free beer and pizza of course!

Please also join the “Ning” group, very creatively named by Mark Rendle  https://cloudeve.ning.com – he says he just couldn’t resist the name when we were talking about how to create a group that encompassed all aspects of the cloud – not just Microsoft’s. Please come along, I’d like to meet as many developers with their head in the clouds as possible.



Technorati Tags: WIndows Azure,azure,cloud Computing,cloud evening,microsoft,dot net solutions,planky,plankytronixx