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Event: "Apps + Cloud" for the device developer who is too busy to learn (UK)

18th March – Reading, UK.

You’ve got your beautiful new app ready to run on a tablet, smartphone or other mobile device, and are ready to hook into an infrastructure cloud service for the back-end. Your main concern is making sure it’s reliable - you can’t risk even a small chance of an outage of your cloud service at that kind of scale. Even though the app itself didn’t fail, your customers will perceive it that way. At the same time you don’t want to get caught up in the service management business: it’s got almost nothing to do with development. Sound familiar?

‘Apps plus Cloud’ shows you how to develop your cloud service so it requires the absolute minimum of your time on service management and cloud development, but still gives outstanding reliability. Result!



The Modern Developer and the Cloud

Aimed at the mobile/tablet/laptop developer, this general session introduces three crucially important concepts concerning the back-end services their apps connect to:

· Service management is tough. Service management at the massive scale of your successful app is really tough.

· Infrastructure-as-a-Service

· Platform-as-a-Service

Copy what you already have in to the cloud

The default option is to do it the way it’s always been done in your own data-centre. Install Operating Systems, Databases, Web Servers, Middleware and your own code, data and configuration on to Virtual Machines that run in a public cloud operator’s data-centre. Then simply manage it all to provide the high levels of reliability, scalability and availability your customers will expect from your app. It’s not the best way, but it’s at least a start and helps you to get going very quickly. In this session we show you how.


Slow down, think, be prepared

Modern App developers tend to be attracted to the tangible parts of technology; the parts their customers can touch and feel: tablets, slates, smartphones, laptops, readers, desktops, TVs. This session shows you how to build a cloud infrastructure that just works, requires almost no service management at all and frees you up to concentrate on the user experience part of your app – the bit the users actually see and feel.


Case Studies

In this session, we’ll look at a few case studies of apps that have been released and learn the good, the bad and the ugly. These guys will tell you what works and what doesn’t. What you should concentrate on and what you should avoid.


Register for the event being held at the UK Microsoft offices on the 18th March.
