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Click-by-Click Video: Using on-premise Active Directory to authenticate to a Windows Azure App

This video is a click-by-click, line-by-line screen-cam of how to authenticate using an on-premise Active Directory with a Windows Azure application. It uses Active Directory Federation Services V2.0 (ADFS 2.0) and Windows Azure’s App Fab Access Control Service V2 (App Fab ACS V2 – which was released on April 11th 2011) to achieve this.

You could just watch this and follow along with your own infrastructure, Visual Studio 2010 and your Windows Azure subscription (or get a free one here if you don’t already have one) and try it out for yourself…


Click the video to watch

This video has been a long time coming since I said I’d create one when I made this video, which describes the process from an architectural perspective. I’ve received quite a few emails saying “when is the screen-cam coming”… Well – here it is!

Planky - GBR-257