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WinHEC Day 2 - So Very Tired

I was up way to late last night and then decided to get up this morning for the keynotes.  And to make it somewhere by 8 i have to get up early since i'm not really functional in the mornings.  So it's been a long day, but a good one. 

Mark Russinovich gave a very good keynote speech about kernel changes for Server 2008.  The Windows Sideshow folks are doing some really amazing stuff with their platform and had several very exciting things to demonstrate. 

The evening was a reception at Univeral Studios (in part of the backlot area).  Also fun, but i'm not sure i had enough energy to really go.  I did finally dig out my camera and take a couple of pictures.  I  like my Fuji F30 for its low-light point and shoot capabilities.

I managed to be one of the last folks out of the park - the line to get on the busses was quite long:

On the ride back i had a chat with an MS employee from Amsterdam who was in for the convention.  That really made my night. 

Sleep now.