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The Great PHP on Windows Contest

Okay… it’s Friday.  While I’m selling out for contests, I thought I might as well share another cool one. The thought of a new 52” HDTV makes me want to try this one out.  (I’m still on a 27” tube!) This one comes via Joe Stagner

PHP on Windows Contest

Try your hand at PHP on Windows and win a complete 52" HDTV home entertainment system and the opportunity to present your creation to the crowd at php|tek 2010 in Chicago with an all-expenses paid trip!

Have you tried to run PHP on Windows? No? 

That's why PHP Architect is hosting the Great PHP on Windows® Contest!

The basics of the contest are simple:

  • Write a new application designed to run in PHP on Windows using IIS—or make a significant contribution to an existing open-source project along the same lines
  • The best application, selected jointly by a panel of experts and by our readers, will win a grand prize composed of a 52" Digital HD home entertainment system, as well as an all-expenses paid trip to php|tek 2010 in Chicago.
  • Runner-up prizes include 2 XBox 360 Ultimate and subscriptions to php|architect.
  • Not familiar with Windows? No worries—we have partnered with Applied Innovations to give the first sixty participants absolutely free hosting on a pre-configured virtual machine for the duration of the contest.
  • The contest is open to residents of the United States only—but you can still win by voting, no matter where you are.

For more info : https://www.phparch.com/win