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Working with Time Intelligence in PerformancePoint Monitoring

Time Intelligence in PerformancePoint Monitoring allows you to map your data source to a reference date and easily build time dynamic filters based off of the current date. Dashboard filters can be created that build time sets based on the current date and these filters can be applied to views in your dashboard. This feature is very powerful for dashboards - giving you dynamic dashboards/scorecards/report views without having to modify your member selections every month and without having to build complex calculations in all your data sources. Time intelligence is set up as follows - this example uses the Project REAL Analysis Services cube:

1. Select your data source you wish to map.

2. Select the Time tab.

3. Choose the hierarchy you wish to map.

4. Select Browse.. to choose the member in your time dimension you wish to map to a calendar date for reference. Note, choose a member at the lowest level that you wish to analyze in your hierarchy.

5. Select the hierarchy level of the member you chose.

6. Map this date to a reference date as shown:


7. Now, map each of the Levels in the hierarchy to a Time Aggregation level as shown above.

8. Publish the data source.

9. Build your scorecards and report views off of your data sources as you normally would.

10. Add your scorecards and report views to dashboards.

11. Click the Filters tab on your dashboard.

12. Click New Filter.

13. Select Time Intelligence, click OK.

14. Assign a name, click Next.

15. Select the data source, the same one that you mapped earlier. Click OK.

16. Click Next.

17. Add your time formulas. Note, all formulas are based on the current date, so entering Quarter would give you the current Quarter based on today's date. Entering Month would give you the current Month based on today's date. Because my sample is based on the Project REAL data which only contains data for 2004, you can see my formulas need to go back quite a few quarters. Example formulas are shown below:


18. Click Next.

19. Choose the display method. Click Next.

20. Click Finish.

21. Click the Summary tab for the dashboard. Select the page you wish to add the filter to.

22. Drag the filter onto the page.

23. In the available fields of your filter, you will see a final selection that is the name of your data source. Drag this value into each of the scorecard and report views you wish to apply the filter to - mapping the filter to the appropriate hierarchy in analytic charts and grids and to either rows, columns or filter in the scorecards.


24. Publish your dashboard and export it to Sharepoint.


Alyson Powell Erwin (alysonp@microsoft.com)


  • Anonymous
    August 23, 2007
    Time Intelligence Post Formula Filters The Time Intelligence Post Formula Filters allow you to pass dynamic

  • Anonymous
    August 31, 2007
    Hi, good article. Thanks. I tried to add a filter and link it to my scorecard: perfect. I got a problem when I connect my filter to an analytical chart. The time dimension is filtered as desired but the measure displayed (serie) change... A bug or me ??? Laurent

  • Anonymous
    July 15, 2008
    My time intelligence formula thinks that day is equal to yesterday not today's date. Does anyone know how to correct this issue?