다음을 통해 공유

How do I create a custom indicator in M&A?

To create a custom indicator follow the below steps:

1. Right click on the Indicators folder in the Workspace Browser panel and select New Indicator.

2. Select New Wizard and Click OK.


3. Provide a name for your indicator, optionally select a folder or provide a folder name and Grant Read Permissions on your indicator, then click Next.

4. Choose whether the indicator is standard or centered and then select the number of levels. Click Finish.

5. In the Display Name column, adjust the captions for the levels as desired.


6. Double click in the Image column for each level of the image. This will open a file selection dialog for you to select the image that should be used for that level. Note, images should be created as transparent.


7. Images should show as above once assigned. Optionally assign text colors and background colors by double clicking in the Text Color and Background Color columns for each level.

8. Publish your new indicator to the server.

9. The new indicator now appears when creating KPIs.



Alyson Powell Erwin (alysonp@microsoft.com)