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Cloud Profitability Webcasts- få tips fra Microsoft sine eksperter på hvordan du kan øke dine inntektsmuligheter gjennom sky-tjenester



It’s a cloud-first world. Here’s how to sell in it.

The cloud has changed selling forever: Prospects engage later in the sales cycle, they’re more informed, and they may not even approach you until they have already found a solution. As a result, your sales strategy may need to be updated.

On-demand Cloud Profitability Webcasts can help your team meet this challenge. Each on-demand episode is available to watch on your schedule for no charge. You’ll hear strategies and practical advice from the experts and Microsoft partners to help you get in sync with today’s prospects and customers.

Find all the sessions her: https://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/liveevents/cloud-profitability-program-build-and-grow-a-cloud-practice-partner-live-event-series

Plus, every Wednesday at 8:30 am Pacific Time, you can join us to watch a quick, new Cloud Profitability Webcast live and take part in real-time Q&A. In March, we will dig into the entire sales process.

March 4: Accelerate Sales Process and Changing Buyer Behavior. Examine how the cloud-first economy has changed sales processes, learn how you can address customer fears, and explore strategies you can use to secure customer agreement.

March 11: Sales Motion – Qualify. Review details that will help you collect the information you need to determine if the opportunity is mature enough to pursue, and explore key insights that will help you realign the prospect’s buying process.

March 18: Sales Motion – Proof. Get practical advice that will help you uncover objections, plus real-world tips on helping prospects develop the comfort they need to proceed to contracting.

March 25: Sales Motion – Close. Explore how professionals have adapted their sales processes, with a detailed discussion on handling hidden objections and closing transactions.

We have more cloud-related resources you can access right now:

The Cloud Partner Profitability Playbook - Learn more about tools, resources, and best practices you can use to drive cloud services adoption.

The IDC Successful Cloud Partners 2.0 eBook - Explore data from surveys with hundreds of Microsoft partners worldwide, plus in-depth insights and practical advice on transitioning to the cloud from interviews with 20 partners.

Sharpen your skills with new Partner Learning Paths - We have added a ton of new training content that can help your team sell and support the latest Microsoft technologies and cloud services.


