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Tech Travel Tips: Outlets To Go

monster-outlet-to-goWhen I travel, the hotel rooms are usually lacking with regard to a sufficient number of power outlets.  I typically travel with at least two notebook computers, two phones, an iPad, and a video camera.  So it goes without saying I need as many open outlets as possible.  I once travelled with a typical surge protector, but that was very clunky.

I am very happy I found the Monster OTG300 USB EFS.  Here are my reasons I highly recommend this product:

  • Very compact, cord wraps-and-snaps in conveniently
  • The the external plug at end of cord is small, so if fits in “snug” situations
  • The three extended outlets are far apart from one another, so bulky power adapters are not overlapping an available outlet
  • A power USB is available that accommodates phones and iPads
  • Can be found for purchase for just over $10

If you are a geek and travel is something you do often, this is one item you will be grateful you packed!

Don’t miss out on the previous tech travel tip.