New Content on Excel Services and Word Automation Services Development for SharePoint Server 2010
In addition to delivering developer-oriented content for the Office client applications such as Access, Excel, Outlook, Word, and Visio, the Office Client Developer Content team is also responsible for providing documentation on SharePoint Server service applications, such as Excel Services and Word Automation Services.
Recently, we’ve published 3 Visual How To videos (with associated articles) that showcase how to create interactive solutions around Excel Services in SharePoint Server 2010. In addition to the videos, we’ve also made a superb book excerpt available that covers nearly the entire range of the Excel Services development landscape, including: client-side JavaScript; Excel Web Services; Excel REST; UDF; and Using Data Connection Libraries.
For Word Automation Services, we’ve also included a new book excerpt that is a welcome addition to the content already available in the SharePoint Server 2010 SDK.
Check it out!
Excel Services
Using the Calculation Power of Excel Using Excel Services in SharePoint Server 2010
Using the Excel Services REST API to Access Excel Data in SharePoint Server 2010
Book Excerpt
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Web Applications: The Complete Reference - Chapter 12: Excel Services