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Tablet PC User Group is tonight (Wellington)

TUG Meeting Tomorrow

The next meeting of the Tablet PC User Group will be held on August 3rd. This is a little later than it should be but we wanted to get the best speakers for the topics.
We are over half way through the year now and suddenly Office 2007 and Windows Vista are not very far away. Both the Office and the Windows Vista betas are public now so we thought it would be a good time to have a look at what is in the new Windows Platform and Office suite for the tablet user.
Microsoft is hosting the meeting and we are going to be treated to two top notch speakers. Windows Platform evangelist Nathan Mercer is going to give us the lowdown on Windows Vistas new features for the Tablet PC and for mobile computer users in general.
After that Ryan Duguid, Microsoft Technical Specialist, will brief us on the new Office suite.
We will as always wrap up the meeting with prizes and a chat over beer and pizza.
Microsoft New Zealand
Level 12, 157 Lambton Quay
6pm-8pm Thursday, August 3rd 2006.
Look forward to seeing you there.