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Upgrading from CS 2007 Beta 1 to RC 1

In this post I shall attempt to highlight the steps required to get a basic StarterSite Beta running on Beta 1 of Commerce Server 2007 (2006 back then) running on the just released Release Candidate of Commerce Server 2007.


I’ll assume that you have a StarterSite Beta unpupped and running on a CS 2007 Beta. I’ll also assume that you have the web services unpacked and added as applications to the StarterSite (to allow you to run the UIs against this site).


Then the errors you are likely to hit and the steps to fix these errors are as follows:

  • Uninstall Beta – This would entail doing the following:

  - Uninstall Business UIs

  - Uninstall LOB Adapters for Commerce Server

  - Uninstall Commerce Server

  - Uninstall Client Tools if still present and showing in Add Remove Programs

  • Install Release Candidate
  • Browse to your site. You will likely get the following error message:

“Application is not compatible with '6.0' version of 'Transactions' resource. Expected resource version is '7.0'.”

This is because you need to run the migration tool / upgrade wizard (used interchangeably) to upgrade the site resource versions etc. and migrate the data in the various resource databases (such as Transaction, TransactionConfig, Marketing etc.)

  • Run the migration tool from All Programs à Microsoft Commerce Server 2007 à Tools à Upgrade Wizard, or by directly launching the exe from “%Commerce_Server_Root%\Upgrade\Upgrade\CS2007Upgrade.exe".
  • Upgrade all the site resources and global resources listed by the wizard for your site above.
  • Do an IISReset or recycle the IIS Application Pool (much faster than an IISReset) and browse to your site again.
  • Now you will likely hit the following error:

“Column CreditCardPayments.PaymentMethodName referenced in Orders storage mapping file has different precision than the corresponding entry in the SQL schema.”


The reason for this is changes to the Orders schema between Beta and RC for this property Name precision (along with other changes such as the dropping of certain columns such as CreditCardNumber and Pin from payment related tables) and the migration tool puts out the following warning which you likely ignored (and did not save to a text file for later) and which states what needs to be done:


Warning: Please read following information carefully.

            This migration tool does not migrate this version of transaction resource completely.

            After running migration tool Compare the OrderObjectMappings.Xml from the site VROOT and the one installed under %COMMERCE_SERVER_ROOT%\SDK\Samples\SiteCreate\OrderObjectMappings.Xml and merge the changes.

            Then regenerate the PurchaseOrder related stored procedure definitions using the OrderMapping.exe tool with orders configuration section in web.config pointing to updated OrderObjectMappings.xml

            Run the generated sql script file on the transaction database.


In the plain vanilla case, if you do not have an extended Order system then you can simply copy over the OrderObjectMappings.xml and OrderPipelineMappings.xml files from the following location into the VDIR of your web app and the OrdersWebService corresponding to your web site: %Commerce_Server_Root%\Sdk\Samples\SiteCreate. This should fix the above error and any other mapping related errors which you are likely to hit.

            Incase you have an extended Order system you will need to follow the more involved steps of regenerating the PurchaseOrder stored procedures (using OrderMapping.exe) and updating their definitions in the database.

  • Do an IISReset or recycle the IIS Application Pool and browse to your site again.
  • Your site should now be up and running without any errors.

So what about the web services etc. and what about the business UIs? Well you will need to update the Orders mapping files above in the Orders web service VDIR as well (in addition to your site VDIR) and then you should be able to bring up any of the UIs as well.


Another option you have with the web services is to remove the older web services from the Commerce Site using Commerce Server Manager and then add the newer RC version of the web services by adding applications to the existing Commerce site by pointing it to the CSharp.pup from the RC install. This way you get the newer web services with the updated web.config files (with more secure Authorization sections for the cache refresh – see the online readme for details) and the updated mapping files etc.


Most of these steps also apply if you take the StarterSite Beta and unpack it on the RC of CS 2007 since the resources will all be outdates and you will need to run the migration tool as above to get them updated.


By the way, one thing to note is that the version of the Commerce .Net assemblies themselves has not changed, so you do not need to update the web.config references etc. at all.


  • Anonymous
    May 23, 2006

    Great post! Thanks for explaining the upgrade process.

  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2006
    Compliments for this instruction, works out correct.

    Is there anything known about installing sample data from the 2006 starterkit, this fails when a new Commerce 2007 installation is used.
  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2006
    You need to create the sample data for the starter site before installing the RC since the data creation tool with the StarterSite beta will not be able to run against the RC. If you have the data created on Beta itself, then running the upgrade wizard will move it to RC.
  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2006
    There really is no migration from beta to RC for our adapters.  It's as easily as uninstalling beta...
  • Anonymous
    May 26, 2006
    Now that the Commerce Server team has a few spare minutes on their hands (only a few I'd imagine) they've begun to write some great posts about the new release candidate.

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2006
    Hi all,

    I have the following problem when installing RC1. I installed the RC1 in clean image without previous beta installed.
    It installed succesfully. however when I tried to access Global Resource/Profiles/Profile Catalog/Profile Definitions  of Commerce Server Manager, it supposed to give an editor where I can add/update/map the the profile objects such as User Object, Currency, Address etc.
    It turns out when I try to access one of the profile, it gave me a blank page on the right hand side with text "Loading Editor" in it.
    It should give me page with Properties section with menu like General Info, Profile System, Account Info etc depending upon the profile that I selected. ( that's what I've seen in Beta version)..
    My co-worker tried to install the RC1 in clean image too, and he ended up with the same problem.
    I checked that Widgets website was created and accessible in IIS.

    It looks like it isn't a problem if upgraded from Beta to RC1

    Can anyone help me fix the problem ?? We need to be able to access the Profile Definitions editor since we add new fields to User Object and add few new profiles.

    Thank's for any help on this..

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2006
    Hi Tom,

    It would be best to post this to the Beta Newsgroups since other users as well as more people on the product team will be able to help you that way. This doesn't seem to be a known issue and I am not sure what might be causing this.

    - Nihit
  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2006
    Nihit, where can I find the Beta newsgroup ?
    Two days ago I checked, it's no longer there. It's still the same when I checked just now

    This is the url that I tried to access
  • Anonymous
    June 02, 2006
    Go through the connect.microsoft.com site.

    Here is what it states:

    New participants in the CS2007 Beta program should follow the menu link marked “Community” located at the upper left side of this page. That link will load a page with a button labeled “Set Newsgroup Password.”

    If you have already accessed the Microsoft Beta newsgroups and set up your authentication you can access the newsgroups by using the link below.  All newsgroups for this program begin with: microsoft.beta.CS2006.

    The News Server for this beta program is: http://betanews.microsoft.com.

    News:  http://betanews.microsoft.com/

    HTML newsgroups:  http://WebNews.microsoft.com/
  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2006
    I installed Starter Site with CS 2006 beta 1, now I start clean installation of CS 2007 RC, but I can not find Starter Site and Starter Site installation guide anymore.
    Please help
  • Anonymous
    June 05, 2006
    Hi Zok,

    You will need to install and setup starter site on Beta and then uninstall Beta and install RC and then migrate the data to RC for the StarterSite to work correctly.

    On a clean new RC install, there will not be any starter site present.

  • Anonymous
    June 07, 2006
    Thanks nihitk for your response,
    You are right, that on clean installation there is no way to find starter site. As far as I understand you, the only way to use starter site beta (on CS2007 RC) is to migrate it after installing on CS2006 beta 1, but I can not find the installation guide (for starter site beta) on Microsoft site anymore, if you have it please send me on my e-mail: zsvetozar@yahoo.com
    Thank you in advance!
    Best regards,
  • Anonymous
    June 08, 2006
    You should be able to download the StarterSite Beta from the connect site itself and set it up on the CS 2006 Beta1.

    The installation guide mentions the various steps like setting up SSL using the SelfSSL tool etc.


    Hope that helps.

  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2006
    There is one more change is needed.
    I added the orderswebservice from CSharp.pup to starter site. While running it I was getting error with AllowedStatus Table.
    On compairing the table values It has been found that with starter site AllowedStatus table there is space with New Order. While with CSharpSite it is NewOrder (without space).
    To correct this either we need to change the value in web.config or in AllowedStatus table.
    AllowedStatus table is having FK relationship with StatusManager so we need to remove this relationship. Remove spaces and then again add the relationship.
    Please suggest another method. I may be wrong though its working at present.

  • Anonymous
    June 23, 2006
    Hi Mandar,

    You are right in the issue as well as the resolution that you mention. There is no quick way to fix this since the default has changed from "New Order" to "NewOrder". The only other option I can think of would be to set honorStatus flag in web.config of orders web service to 'false' which would result in the status check being skipped. But that is not really an option if you intend on using the LOB functionality etc. so the fix you outlined is probably the best approach (to manually update and fix the tables).

    - Nihit
  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2006
    Hello Nihit,
    I followed the topics posted above, and I am also using MSCS 2006. However I did not use the StarterSite I started my site programming from scratch.

    When moving to MSCS 2007, since profile definitions included several custom made data members (ex: gender etc..etc..) in old version (2006) those changes had to be incorporated in the MSCS 2007....

    Question: The only problem I am facing is in MSCS 2006 when right-clicking on a profile definition (not a Data Object but a profile definition). There used to be 'Validate Profile Definition' which validates the profile definition against the data members defined in the Data Object and then compares it to the Data Store (SQL Profile Database/ Active Directory etc..etc..)

    Is there such an option in MSCS 2007 and what are the alternatives.

    Thank you
  • Anonymous
    July 10, 2006
    Hi Moustapha,

    That feature has been removed from CS 2007. Instead the best way to validate that your profile definitions are setup correctly, is to open up the Customer and Orders Manager UI and try to create an instance of the profile that you wish to validate.

    Hope this helps.

    - NIhit
  • Anonymous
    July 10, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    July 10, 2006
    I am sorry I forgot to add a few things:

    Concerning the first problem:
    a, "ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0" error is generated in the event viewer with an event ID of 1309. The stack trace is too long so i am not going to place it here... I just remembered that it was after I installed the ASP.net 2.0 hotfix that this problem started to occur.

    Concerning the second issue:
    The property that's causing the error is a custom made property called "hidden_desc".
    The catalog is really big in size and i dont want to re-enter it item by item.

    Any help concerning both issues is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks once again.
  • Anonymous
    July 11, 2006
    Hi Moustapha,

    Please use the Newsgroups for these questions since these are more detailed and other customers would benefit from these as well.

    #1 => Will probably need more research - someone on the Newsgroups should be able to help.

    #2 => The issue seems to be that there might already be an existing 'Department' definition. You can try to delete this definition using the Catalog and Inventory Schema Manager and then try to import the catalog. I believe you might need to export the catalog with schema definitions (advanced selection while exporting) if it does not work with the existing XML.

    Please try and follow up on these on the newsgroups.

  • Anonymous
    July 11, 2006
    Thank you sir once again,

    The catalog issue was, because I think schema definitions were not being imported as you said... Problem was solved using the advanced option during import process.

    About the Newsgroup, can you plz post me the link, I think I require the Commerce Server 2007 & ASP.net newsgroup...

    I used to logon to connect.microsoft.com -> participations -> newsgroup link used to be displayed there but now the MSCS 2007 participation is no longer available.

  • Anonymous
    July 12, 2006
    Hi Steve,

    You can get the Newsgroups from here:
