IE9 - HTML5, Hardware Accelerated: First IE9 Platform Preview Available for Developers
At the MIX conference, we demonstrated how the standard web patterns that developers already know and use broadly run better by taking advantage of PC hardware through IE9 on Windows.
First, we showed IE9’s new script engine, internally known as “Chakra”
We shared the data and framework that informed our approach, and demonstrated better support for several standards: HTML5, DOM, and CSS3.
We showed hardware-accelerated SVG support in IE9.
Finally, we announced the availability of the first IE Platform Preview for developers, and our commitment to update it approximately every eight weeks.
Of most interest for me was the teams choice to support the H.264 codec for HTML5 video. I wrote another detailed blog post on this topic - HTML5 <VIDEO/> + IE9.
Install the Developer Preview of IE9 and try the demos.
The blog posts:
- HTML5, Hardware Accelerated: First IE9 Platform Preview Available for Developers
- About the Platform Preview
- IE9 Platform Preview Feedback
- The New JavaScript Engine in Internet Explorer 9
- SVG in IE9 Roadmap
The sessions from MIX:
Dean’s Day 2 Keynote about IE9
Introducing the IE9 Developer Platform Preview
In-depth Look at Internet Explorer 9 with John Hrvatin and Ted Johnson
HTML5: High-Performance Best Practices for Web Sites with Jason Weber
HTML5: Cross-Browser Best Practices with Tony Ross
Internet Explorer Developer Tools with Jon Seitel
Advanced Web Debugging with Fiddler with Eric Lawrence
IE 9 Performance Pipeline Overview
IE 9 and SVG - Past, Present and Future of Vector Graphics for the Web