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Microsoft Operations Framework Training Video and Video Case study available on the web

Below are two links to videos that demonstrate the value of MOF and will enable you to understand the application of the Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF).

“…MOF is a collection of best practices, principles, and models that provide originations with operations guidance. It is a framework, based on ITIL, and developed by Microsoft for managing, running, and maintaining distributed computing systems. MOF provides comprehensive guidance and prescriptive technical guidance for achieving mission-critical reliability, availability, and manageability solutions and services on Microsoft technologies…”


MOF Case Study


This video shows the value and impact of MOF at Microsoft. It introduces the notion of the need for continuous improvement and the impact continuous improvement has on IT and ITs ability to provide significant value to the business


MOF Training Video



This video is a condensed MOF Essentials that enables the viewer to understand the concepts and language of MOF and enables them to find the other MOF resources that can help them with their challenges of decreasing cost improving quality and meeting their compliance requirements. This video is not meant to replace MOF Essentials but enhance it by providing a preview of the content.
