Evaluate Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager “2” RC today
Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) ”2” delivers an integrated identity management solution with powerful self-service capabilities for Office end-users, rich administrative tools and enhanced automation for IT professionals and .NET and WS-* based extensibility for developers. ILM "2" provides organizations with unique workflow driven solutions to manage user accounts, passwords, groups and distribution lists as well as certificate-based credentials such as smart cards, using identity-based policies that can span across Windows and heterogeneous environments. And when you download the latest beta software, you're automatically registered to access valuable beta resources assembled in one convenient location.
Please review the ILM “2” RC system requirements before you proceed. Actual requirements and product functionality may vary based on your system configuration.
Select method of evaluation
Begin your evaluation of Identity Lifecycle Manager “2” RC by selecting your method of evaluation.
Download the ILM “2” RC software to install, configure, and evaluate ILM “2” in your own environment.
Download preconfigured virtual machines to quickly evaluate ILM “2” RC.
The Identity Lifecycle Manager “2” RC software is available in the following language: