How to add local group to AD LDS Readers role using PowerShell
Posting this snippet in case someone needs to add a local group to AD LDS readers role, using PowerShell/ADSI.
#Get the SID of a local group
$myGroup = New-Object security.principal.ntaccount("myGroup2")
$myGroupSid = $myGroup.Translate([security.principal.securityidentifier])
#connect to partition
$readersRole = [adsi]"LDAP://mdt:389/CN=Readers,CN=Roles,DC=myPartition"
#Add the group as member to Readers
$memberToAdd = "<SID=$myGroupSid>"
#connect to partition again, to confirm (or can use adsiedit.msc)
$readersRole = [adsi]"LDAP://mdt:389/CN=Readers,CN=Roles,DC=myPartition"