NAP has a new face
No, not a picture of my head, as cool as that would be! :-> We finally have our own website (in addition to the TechNet content of course). It has a cool spinning graphic of some of our early NAP adopters from around the globe.
Check it out and post comments here if you have any suggestions. Today is a good day. GO NAP!
{ Jeff Sigman }{ Senior Program Manager & NAP Hero }{ Enterprise Security Group }
{ NAP Blog, FAQ, Forum, MSDN, Site and my bloÿg }
PS - sometimes I laugh at myself when I get pumped about stuff like this. :->
PPS - I haven't met any of the three people on our site. But you can tell from their faces that they have used NAP and think it is a great thing. Right!?!
January 01, 2003
Hey Keith. You're right, you can see too much of the sever closet through those items. JeffAnonymous
January 01, 2003
The navigation buttons on the left side seem too trasnparent to me. The top row of navigation seems to have some rendering issues as well.