다음을 통해 공유

Looking through my own toolbox

In the beginning, there was DOS. And DOS had batch files - little scripts that ended in .BAT. So, when I started writing and collecting a few useful ones, I created a directory, C:\BELFRY in which to keep my .BATs. Get it? Bats? Belfrey? Oh, never mind...

Anyway, modern versions of Windows (that is, anything NT-based) support .CMD files, which are now for all intents and purposes the same thing as .BAT files (which, in the name of backward-compatibility, are still supported as well). Functionally, there's no difference.

So now, on every machine I use, I have a directory called C:\MyTools where I keep all of my handy little scripts (somehow "having CMDs in my belfry" didn't seem to cut it). I add this directory to my path and then I'm good to go. Over the next few posts, I'll share and explain some of the more useful* ones.

* Note: 'Useful' could just be another euphemism for 'clever'