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Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 Pricing and Part Numbers

By popular request, here are the Windows MultiPoint Server part numbers and prices, pulled from the Microsoft U.S. Open License Estimated Retail Price List.

A couple quick notes on how to read the chart:

  • There are four pricing levels listed in this chart: Open Commercial (no limit), Academic, Charity, and Local Government. Open Price Level C is also available at the link above, but not replicated here.
  • You’ll see four choices for the CALs in each section. Those correspond to 1) Device CAL standalone, 2) User CAL standalone, 3) Device CAL + Windows Server CAL combo, and 4) User CAL + Windows Server CAL combo.

Open Commercial (No Limit) Pricing

License Type Product Family SKU ID SKU Description ERP Price ($USD)
License Only        
  Windows MultiPoint Server Standard Edition      
    V6J-00215 WinMultiPointSvrStd 2011 SNGL OLP NL $330.00
  Windows MultiPoint Server Premium Edition  
V7J-00423 WinMultiPointSvrPrem 2011 SNGL OLP NL $817.00
Windows MultiPoint Server CAL
EJF-01310 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 SNGL OLP NL DvcCAL $110.00
EJF-01313 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 SNGL OLP NL UsrCAL $110.00
EJF-01716 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 SNGL OLP NL DvcCAL wWinSvrCAL $139.00
EJF-01719 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 SNGL OLP NL UsrCAL wWinSvrCAL $139.00
Software Assurance
Windows MultiPoint Server Standard Edition
V6J-00212 WinMultiPointSvrStd SNGL SA OLP NL $165.00
Windows MultiPoint Server Premium Edition
V7J-00420 WinMultiPointSvrPrem SNGL SA OLP NL $409.00
Windows MultiPoint Server CAL
EJF-01284 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL SA OLP NL DvcCAL $55.00
EJF-01287 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL SA OLP NL UsrCAL $55.00
EJF-01700 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL SA OLP NL DvcCAL wWinSvrCAL $70.00
EJF-01703 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL SA OLP NL UsrCAL wWinSvrCAL $70.00
License + Software Assurance Pack
Windows MultiPoint Server Standard
V6J-00209 WinMultiPointSvrStd SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL $494.00
Windows MultiPoint Server Premium
V7J-00417 WinMultiPointSvrPrem SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL $1,225.00
Windows MultiPoint Server CAL
EJF-01268 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL DvcCAL $165.00
EJF-01281 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL UsrCAL $165.00
EJF-01684 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL DvcCAL wWinSvrCAL $209.00
EJF-01697 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL UsrCAL wWinSvrCAL $209.00

Academic Pricing

License Type Product Family SKU ID SKU Description ERP Price ($USD)
License Only
Windows MultiPoint Server Premium Edition
V7J-00395 WinMultiPointSvrPrem 2011 SNGL OLP NL Acdmc $115.00
Windows MultiPoint Server CAL
EJF-01179 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 SNGL OLP NL Acdmc DvcCAL $22.00
EJF-01181 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 SNGL OLP NL Acdmc UsrCAL $22.00
EJF-01625 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 SNGL OLP NL Acdmc DvcCAL wWinSvrCAL $29.00
EJF-01627 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 SNGL OLP NL Acdmc UsrCAL wWinSvrCAL $29.00
Software Assurance
Windows MultiPoint Server Premium Edition
V7J-00393 WinMultiPointSvrPrem SNGL SA OLP NL Acdmc $58.00
Windows MultiPoint Server CAL
EJF-00351 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL SA OLP NL Acdmc DvcCAL $11.00
EJF-00353 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL SA OLP NL Acdmc UsrCAL $11.00
EJF-00424 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL SA OLP NL Acdmc DvcCAL wWinSvrCAL $15.00
EJF-00426 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL SA OLP NL Acdmc UsrCAL wWinSvrCAL $15.00
License + Software Assurance Pack
Windows MultiPoint Server Premium Edition
V7J-00391 WinMultiPointSvrPrem SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL Acdmc $172.00
Windows MultiPoint Server CAL
EJF-00347 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL Acdmc DvcCAL $32.00
EJF-00349 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL Acdmc UsrCAL $32.00
EJF-00420 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL Acdmc DvcCAL wWinSvrCAL $44.00
EJF-00422 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL Acdmc UsrCAL wWinSvrCAL $44.00

  Charity Pricing

License Type Product Family SKU ID SKU Description ERP Price ($USD)
License Only
Windows MultiPoint Server Standard Edition
V6J-00130 WinMultiPointSvrStd 2011 SNGL OLP NL Chrty $87.00
Windows MultiPoint Server Premium Edition
V7J-00408 WinMultiPointSvrPrem 2011 SNGL OLP NL Chrty $115.00
Windows MultiPoint Server CAL
EJF-01182 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 SNGL OLP NL Chrty DvcCAL $29.00
EJF-01183 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 SNGL OLP NL Chrty UsrCAL $29.00
EJF-01628 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 a SNGL OLP NL Chrty DvcCAL wWinSvrCAL $37.00
EJF-01629 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 a SNGL OLP NL Chrty UsrCAL wWinSvrCAL $37.00
Software Assurance
Windows MultiPoint Server Standard Edition
V6J-00129 WinMultiPointSvrStd SNGL SA OLP NL Chrty $44.00
Windows MultiPoint Server Premium Edition
V7J-00407 WinMultiPointSvrPrem SNGL SA OLP NL Chrty $58.00
Windows MultiPoint Server CAL
EJF-00469 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL SA OLP NL Chrty DvcCAL $15.00
EJF-00470 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL SA OLP NL Chrty UsrCAL $15.00
EJF-00475 WinMultiPointSvrCAL a SNGL SA OLP NL Chrty DvcCAL wWinSvrCAL $19.00
EJF-00476 WinMultiPointSvrCAL a SNGL SA OLP NL Chrty UsrCAL wWinSvrCAL $19.00
License + Software Assurance Pack
Windows MultiPoint Server Standard Edition
V6J-00223 WinMultiPointSvrStd SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL Chrty $130.00
Windows MultiPoint Server Premium Edition
V7J-00396 WinMultiPointSvrPrem SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL Chrty $172.00
Windows MultiPoint Server CAL
EJF-00467 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL Chrty DvcCAL $43.00
EJF-00468 WinMultiPointSvrCAL SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL Chrty UsrCAL $43.00
EJF-00473 WinMultiPointSvrCAL a SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL Chrty DvcCAL wWinSvrCAL $55.00
EJF-00474 WinMultiPointSvrCAL a SNGL LicSAPk OLP NL Chrty UsrCAL wWinSvrCAL $55.00

Local Government Pricing

License Type Product Family SKU ID SKU Description ERP Price ($USD)
License Only
Windows MultiPoint Server Standard
V6J-00256 WinMultiPointSvrStd 2011 ENG OLP NL LclGov $263.00
Windows MultiPoint Server Premium
V7J-00429 WinMultiPointSvrPrem 2011 ENG OLP NL LclGov $651.00
Windows MultiPoint Server CAL
EJF-01347 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 ENG OLP NL LclGov DvcCAL $88.00
EJF-01348 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 ENG OLP NL LclGov UsrCAL $88.00
EJF-01869 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 a ENG OLP NL LclGov DvcCAL wWinSvrCAL $111.00
EJF-01870 WinMultiPointSvrCAL 2011 a ENG OLP NL LclGov UsrCAL wWinSvrCAL $111.00
Software Assurance
Windows MultiPoint Server Standard
V6J-00255 WinMultiPointSvrStd ENG SA OLP NL LclGov $132.00
Windows MultiPoint Server Premium
V7J-00428 WinMultiPointSvrPrem ENG SA OLP NL LclGov $326.00
Windows MultiPoint Server CAL
EJF-01345 WinMultiPointSvrCAL ENG SA OLP NL LclGov DvcCAL $44.00
EJF-01346 WinMultiPointSvrCAL ENG SA OLP NL LclGov UsrCAL $44.00
EJF-01867 WinMultiPointSvrCAL a ENG SA OLP NL LclGov DvcCAL wWinSvrCAL $56.00
EJF-01868 WinMultiPointSvrCAL a ENG SA OLP NL LclGov UsrCAL wWinSvrCAL $56.00
License + Software Assurance Pack
Windows MultiPoint Server Standard
V6J-00254 WinMultiPointSvrStd ENG LicSAPk OLP NL LclGov $394.00
Windows MultiPoint Server Premium
V7J-00427 WinMultiPointSvrPrem ENG LicSAPk OLP NL LclGov $977.00
Windows MultiPoint Server CAL
EJF-01343 WinMultiPointSvrCAL ENG LicSAPk OLP NL LclGov DvcCAL $131.00
EJF-01344 WinMultiPointSvrCAL ENG LicSAPk OLP NL LclGov UsrCAL $131.00
EJF-01865 WinMultiPointSvrCAL a ENG LicSAPk OLP NL LclGov DvcCAL wWinSvrCAL $166.00
EJF-01866 WinMultiPointSvrCAL a ENG LicSAPk OLP NL LclGov UsrCAL wWinSvrCAL $166.00