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Introducing the Xbox 360 (and a Cool Video)

Tonight, MTV presented Xbox: The Next Generation Revealed and gave everyone a sneak peak at the next version of our console, called the Xbox 360. Although the system looks very sleek and cool, I personally thought the show was a bit light on details; frankly, I had hoped for more. I'm sure we'll learn a lot at next week's E3 in Los Angeles, but who can wait that long!? To be fair, MTV does have a page with some awesome system specifications. Excuse me while I drool!

So, in the meantime, visit the mysterious Our Colony site and download a much more informative and entertaining 6-minute video. Or, if you don't want to wait, Engadget has provided a pointer to the high-quality version of the video for your immediate viewing pleasure.

Two thoughts come to mind:

  • Will the light-colored components start looking dirty after hours of intense use? Especially the controllers? We have a lot of smart people, and I'm sure we're putting the hardware through its paces, so I'm guessing we have this covered.
  • Wireless controllers rock! But, for public installations, is there any way for me to lock them down? Or connect them to a secure cable? I didn't see anything like this on the controller, but it seems like it'd be easy to add.

Minor concerns aside, this looks like an amazing package: customizable faceplates, three screaming processor cores, a 500MHz ATI graphics processor, streaming media features, WiFi support, hi-definition output, 256 audio channels, and Xbox Marketplace!? Un-freakin-believable!


  • Anonymous
    May 13, 2005
    This thing is going to rock. I can't wait to see it at E3. Do you think they will do anything like this: http://www.brandonfurtwangler.com/index.php?p=66

    BTW, I'm interning on Avalon starting June 1st. Wanna do launch sometime this summer?
  • Anonymous
    May 19, 2005
    Hmmm... don't tell me you're actually considering a CONSOLE, Mike, are you? =) Then again, the XBox continues to get closer to gamer PC specs.
  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2005
    Due to my short attention span, I am unable to go through all your comments on your blog, so I'll just do the usual and assume that I am the first to publicly congradulate you on your appearance on the 50th Episode of the .NET Show!! You can't imagine how proud I was to see you as the FIRST person no less to be interviewed! And yes, as usual you looked stunning!
  • Anonymous
    February 05, 2006
    looks good i only hope it keeps doing well when the ps3 comes out.