What you may be missing: Resources from March 2-9 and who’s sharing what
From week to week, I share a bunch of different content across a multitude of my various online presences, such as through my blog, my Twitter account, my LinkedIn account, and my Facebook account. Across these different online resources, the content shared is not always the same, nor is everything shared equally through them. As an example, just by the very nature of the blog vs. Twitter, the volume of content shared through my Twitter account is much higher than the number of posts here on the blog.
From time to time, I will get comments sent in to me regarding the information shared through my Twitter account where someone absolutely loved a resource shared that they “almost missed” because they hadn’t seen it the first time. I also get questions asking me about what the "popular items” were that I shared out and who else in the community is sharing the resources I am in order to possibly find additional connections on Twitter to follow or others of similar interests. This week, I thought I would do something a little different to try and help out with all of these questions.
Below you will find two sections:
- The @EricLigman section below includes a collection of several of the tweets I sent out my Twitter account that included links/resources between March 2nd and 9th so you can see what I was sharing, in case you are not yet following me on Twitter, or in case you may have missed some of them.
- The RT @EricLigman section below includes a collection of some of the retweets I saw of the information I shared via Twitter. I am sharing this so that you can see what others found interesting enough to share with their followers, as well as so you can see some of the people who are sharing this content out. Hopefully this section helps you better see what people are sharing and who some of the others are in the Twitter community who may have some of the same interests as you. NOTE: I did remove an duplicate user posts. So if one user had retweeted multiple tweets of mine, I only included one of them below so that you didn’t see a bunch of users showing up over and over. Plus, by narrowing it down to just one tweet per user, it kept the list a little more manageable to show below. Also, if you had retweeted me last week and don’t see it below, please don’t think I excluded you on purpose. The retweets below are a collection of some of the retweets I saw and I am bound to have missed some.
- Where to get the Microsoft @SQLServer Connector for Apache Hadoop: https://ligman.me/x1phg0 #mspartner #SQLServer
- Announcing Reduced Pricing on @WindowsAzure Storage and Compute: https://t.co/ORJos5zC #cloud #mspartner
- Take Advantage of Internal-Use Microsoft Dynamics CRM: https://t.co/v3CMzuZg #MSDynCRM #MSPartner via @RCPMag
- Nice! Microsoft Dynamics #LoveYourWork series on @Forbes: https://t.co/f6lTWcnK #mspartner #MSDynCRM #MSDynERP
- Top 10 Benefits of #WindowsIntune: https://t.co/NCDOC1BH #MSPartner #Cloud
- Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- Using Your Feedback to Shape the Microsoft Partner Experience: https://t.co/I9gmc7Sh #mspartner via @msuspartner
- Top 10 reasons for SMB businesses to choose @Office365 over #GoogleApps: https://ligman.me/A1Ex9Y #WhyMSFT #mspartner
- Want preferred seating for the #WPC12 special guest keynote? Learn how: https://t.co/3VSSgjOl #MPNLive
- Microsoft Dynamics CRM and @SQLServer 2012 - Better Together: https://t.co/C9Fu6N2H #MSDynCRM #SQL2012 #mspartner
- Partner Learning Paths for Microsoft #Cloud Solutions and Services: https://t.co/ixz2L2J8 #msartner
- How to configure a single-server #SharePoint Server 2010 test lab: https://t.co/rUaneonN #mspartner
- What is Microsoft Office 365? Check out these 6 short videos: https://t.co/jYeUJ6ev via @MicrosoftSB #mspartner
- The @SQLServer #SQL2012 Launch Event keynote is online: https://bit.ly/x3DGFH #mspartner
- Microsoft @SQLServer 2012 Data Mining Add-ins for Microsoft @Office 2010: http//ligman.me/xqRiP0 #SQL2012 #mspartner
- #Free "Security and Privacy for Microsoft @Office 2010 Users" ebook: https://t.co/LdSuGNZD #mspartner #Office
- #FREE events covering #Windows8 for Application Developers start 30th March in UK: https://t.co/4pIlkP1g #mspartner
- How to report scams in @Hotmail, @Xbox, and more: https://t.co/tkWer06v #mspartner #security
- MSDN Virtual Labs for @SQLServer 2012 available to you online: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- Join us for #MPNLive with @Jon_Roskill, #MSPartner guests, and me to discuss #Cloudification: https://t.co/3VSSgjOl
- Consumerization of IT Within @Microsoft from the CIO's Perspective: https://t.co/qFVAeBqO #mspartner
- Practice Accelerator for @Office365 is #FREE if you're a Cloud Essentials or Accelerate #MSPartner! https://t.co/aNJtMa7G
- Register now: #FREE #Windows8 Training Camps in NZ: https://t.co/8cEq6sPS #mspartner @BuildWindows8
- By 2015, 14 Million new jobs (INFOGRAPHIC): https://t.co/CHPWnTfz Thanks to #Cloud computing. #mspartner
- Has my work helped you? If so, I’d love your votes in the #SMB150 2012 Awards: https://t.co/izVfKX2N #mspartner
- 35 Million People Concurrently Online on @Skype: https://t.co/9TAxR3mQ That's a lot of people!
- Nice! -> Microsoft creates fully interactive wearable multitouch projector https://t.co/HnyaF48e via: @tomwarren @stevecla
- Azure/Cloud, HTML5, & @WindowsPhone #Free Training Events (US West Coast): https://t.co/ZE8TfijZ #mspartner #cloud
- Building Global Trust Online: Policy Perspectives on #Privacy, #Security and Safety: https://t.co/tAX9P0Ms #mspartner
- Woohoo! @SQLServer 2012 released to manufacturing! https://t.co/qlgVk7lk #mspartner #SQL2012
- Honored to be nominated in the #SMB150! I'd love your vote: https://t.co/wX3eNgbl if you feel I'm worthy. #mspartner
- Microsoft @Office365 Single Sign-On with AD FS 2.0 whitepaper: https://t.co/yYgVjfCA #cloud #mspartner
- #SharePoint Online planning guide for @Office365 for enterprises: https://t.co/OzlrOw5h #cloud #mspartner
- @MElhossany: "@EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012"
- @hashgapps: #GA-repost: RT @EricLigman: Top 10 reasons for SMB businesses to choose @Office365 over #GoogleApps: https://ligman.me/A1Ex9Y
- @wpccanada: @EricLigman: Be the first to know who the #WPC12 Guest Speaker is! Hear live on #MPNLive tomorrow: https://t.co/n9GdHKp7 #mspartner
- @voipnorm: “@darrylr RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner”
- @reneroca: “@EricLigman: @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you online: https://t.co/66yR3Vea #free #mspartner #SQL2012” #in
- @monthan: “@EricLigman: Consumerization of IT Within @Microsoft from the CIO's Perspective: https://t.co/0oBXiL3m #mspartner” #in
- @bniaulin: “@EricLigman: How to configure a single-server #SharePoint Server 2010 test lab: https://ligman.me/xKPyzN #mspartner”
- @SysCntrSpartan: “@SQLServer “@EricLigman @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you online: https://t.co/3Zj7DNJI #free #mspartner #SQL2012””
- @mspartnersuk: Be first to hear who the #WPC12 special guest speaker is on #MPNLive in 20 minutes: https://t.co/eI57NPKb #mspartner /via @EricLigman ^Al
- @johnlmyers44: great opportunity! RT @ericligman: @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you online: https://t.co/duawErao #SQL2012
- @MzermaAmine: I can't:( RT @EricLigman: Want preferred seating for the #WPC12 special guest keynote? Learn how in 1 hour: https://t.co/baz2CNgH #MPNLive
- @duandanu: RT @EricLigman @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you online: https://t.co/5ZykVZgo #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @akipekka : RT @EricLigman: #Free "Security and Privacy for Microsoft @Office 2010 Users" ebook: https://t.co/LdSuGNZD #mspartner #Office
- @GuyGregory : RT @EricLigman: #Free "Security and Privacy for Microsoft @Office 2010 Users" ebook: https://t.co/LdSuGNZD #mspartner #Office
- @ICTracunalo: RT @EricLigman: #Free ebook: "Security and Privacy for Microsoft @Office 2010 Users:" https://t.co/LdSuGNZD #mspartner #Office
- @ObinnaOsobalu: RT @EricLigman: #Free ebook: "Security and Privacy for Microsoft @Office 2010 Users:" https://t.co/LdSuGNZD #mspartner #Office
- @peter_sivak: RT @EricLigman: #Free ebook: Security and Privacy for Microsoft @Office 2010 Users: https://t.co/LdSuGNZD #mspartner #Office
- @andy_wigley: RT @EricLigman: #FREE events covering #Windows8 for Application Developers start 30th March in UK: https://t.co/4pIlkP1g #mspartner
- @BlackMarble: RT @EricLigman: #FREE events covering #Windows8 for Application Developers start 30th March in UK: https://t.co/4pIlkP1g #mspartner
- @Wicko73: RT @EricLigman: #FREE events covering #Windows8 for Application Developers start 30th March in UK: https://t.co/4pIlkP1g #mspartner
- @OEMPartner: RT @EricLigman: #Microsoft Small Business Competency officially announced https://t.co/3IQrufqc
- @Devjmeyers007: RT @EricLigman: #MPNLive w/@Jon_Roskill @ricopal @dcdrennan @TimHuckaby @uaguilar @laurapthomas in 6 hrs: https://t.co/3VSSgjOl #mspartner
- @msPartner: RT @EricLigman: #MPNLive w/@Jon_Roskill @ricopal @dcdrennan @TimHuckaby @uaguilar @laurapthomas in 6 hrs: https://t.co/3VSSgjOl #mspartner
- @helipetr: RT @EricLigman: #SharePoint Online planning guide for @Office365 for enterprises: https://ligman.me/AfkKxN #cloud #mspartner
- @MarianoDD: RT @EricLigman: #SharePoint Online planning guide for @Office365 for enterprises: https://ligman.me/AfkKxN #cloud #mspartner
- @vitaly_vedenev: RT @EricLigman: #SharePoint Online planning guide for @Office365 for enterprises: https://ligman.me/AfkKxN #cloud #mspartner
- @pontemonti : RT @EricLigman: #SQLServer 2012 Virtual Launch Event is tomorrow! Register, info, resources, and more: https://t.co/nmcnYkiM #mspartner
- @DBArgenis: RT @EricLigman: @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you online: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @dotnetstories : RT @EricLigman: @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you online: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @IvanVerdeja: RT @EricLigman: @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you online: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @JPWildes: RT @EricLigman: @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you online: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @nilton_pinheiro : RT @EricLigman: @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you online: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @shakurin: RT @EricLigman: @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you online: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @shefalidua : RT @EricLigman: @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you online: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @SI_MDP: RT @EricLigman: @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you online: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @SQLServer : RT @EricLigman: @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you online: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @VictorGorshkov: RT @EricLigman: @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you online: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @StevenFielding : RT @EricLigman: 14 Million new jobs by 2015 (INFOGRAPHIC): https://t.co/CHPWnTfz Thanks to #Cloud computing.
- @desousavelino: RT @EricLigman: About to kick off: @SQLServer 2012 Virtual Launch Event: https://t.co/nmcnYkiM #mspartner #SQL2012
- @jon_rivers : RT @EricLigman: About to kick off: @SQLServer 2012 Virtual Launch Event: https://t.co/nmcnYkiM #mspartner #SQL2012
- @jbennani : RT @EricLigman: Absolutely! RT @Jenni_Flinders: Excited for @DeepakChopra to be guest speaker during this year's #WPC12 #mspartner
- @energizedtech: RT @EricLigman: Announcing Reduced Pricing on @WindowsAzure Storage and Compute: https://t.co/ORJos5zC #cloud #mspartner
- @SabbeRubbish : RT @EricLigman: Be first to hear who the #WPC12 special guest speaker is on #MPNLive in 30 minutes: https://t.co/3VSSgjOl #mspartner
- @WPC : RT @EricLigman: Be first to hear who the #WPC12 special guest speaker is on #MPNLive in 30 minutes: https://t.co/3VSSgjOl #mspartner
- @MSDynReady: RT @EricLigman: Be the first to know who the #WPC12 Guest Speaker is! Hear live on #MPNLive tomorrow: https://t.co/3VSSgjOl #mspartner
- @ajoyk : RT @EricLigman: Breaking #WPC12 info, sweepstakes, #MSPartners, and more on #MPNLive in 12 hrs with @Jon_Roskill: https://t.co/3VSSgjOl
- @mikegil : RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @jshuey: RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @mpntraining: RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @2uanta: RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @Agile_IT: RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @aussienick : RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @BenHosk: RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @darrylr: RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @darrylr: RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @DrRez : RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @jasjitsingh_d : RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @kbanatwala : RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @letscollabor8 : RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @lfinsas : RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @nexweaver: RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @orlando_sc : RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @patrichard: RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @petsch : RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @raphaelbarini: RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @smaty: RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @tb3r: RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @ucteam: RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @Whereisjrw : RT @EricLigman: Comprehensive Microsoft #Lync 2010 Training Download Package: https://ligman.me/o26G0h #mspartner
- @MSPlatformReady: RT @EricLigman: Did you see? @SQLServer 2012 released to manufacturing! https://ligman.me/wKpddo #mspartner #SQL2012
- @stevenabanks: RT @EricLigman: Get BREAKING #WPC12 info on #MPNLive tomorrow with @Jon_Roskill, #MSPartner guests, and me: https://t.co/3VSSgjOl
- @uaguilar: RT @EricLigman: Get BREAKING #WPC12 info on #MPNLive tomorrow with @Jon_Roskill, #MSPartner guests, and me: https://t.co/3VSSgjOl
- @SociosMicrosoft: RT @ericligman: Get BREAKING #WPC12 info on #MPNLive tomorrow with @Jon_Roskill, #MSPartner guests, and me: https://t.co/NStoC5xa
- @mimecast: RT @EricLigman: Get EXCLUSIVE #WPC12 info and more on #MPNLive with @Jon_Roskill, #MSPartner guests, and me: https://t.co/rfAaqMgB
- @latammpn: RT @EricLigman: Get EXCLUSIVE #WPC12 info on #MPNLive in 2 hours with @Jon_Roskill, #MSPartner guests, and me: https://t.co/3VSSgjOl
- @flaviomedeiros: RT @EricLigman: Get Microsoft @SQLServer 2012 Data Mining Add-ins for Microsoft @Office 2010: https://t.co/Jc5zcDwV #SQL2012 #mspartner
- @sharepointmom: RT @EricLigman: Here's how to report scams in @Hotmail, @Xbox, and more: https://ligman.me/yaxFcM #mspartner #security
- @kazitoshi: RT @ericligman: Here's how to report scams in @hotmail, @Xbox, and more: https://ligman.me/yaxFcM #mspartner #security
- @SQLChicken: RT @EricLigman: How to configure a single-server #SharePoint Server 2010 test lab: https://t.co/rUaneonN #mspartner
- @CEEKTechnology : RT @EricLigman: How to report scams in @Hotmail, @Xbox, and more: https://ligman.me/yaxFcM #mspartner #security
- @TylerInNiagara: RT @EricLigman: How to report scams in @Hotmail, @Xbox, and more: https://ligman.me/yaxFcM #mspartner #security
- @WinSrv: RT @EricLigman: How to report scams in @Hotmail, @Xbox, and more: https://ligman.me/yaxFcM #mspartner #security
- @edwardsdna: RT @EricLigman: I'd love your votes: https://ligman.me/ArKOcM for the SMB 150 Awards. Thanks in advance! #mspartner
- @meetdux: RT @EricLigman: I'd love your votes: https://ligman.me/ArKOcM for the SMB 150 Awards. Thanks in advance! #mspartner
- @kineticabiz: RT @ericligman: Join #MPNLive: @Jon_Roskill and #MSPartners discuss “Worldwide #Cloudification” Thur, March 8th: https://t.co/3nqo9GTS
- @TechmoTim: RT @EricLigman: Microsoft @Office365 Single Sign-On with AD FS 2.0 whitepaper: https://t.co/yYgVjfCA #cloud #mspartner
- @MauriceGhosn: RT @EricLigman: Microsoft @SQLServer 2012 Data Mining Add-ins for Microsoft @Office 2010: https://t.co/Jc5zcDwV #SQL2012 #mspartner
- @DonalACullen : RT @EricLigman: Microsoft @SQLServer 2012 Data Mining Add-ins for Microsoft @Office 2010: https://ligman.me/xqRiP0 #SQL2012
- @KeithHumphreys: RT @EricLigman: Microsoft Private #Cloud part 2: unlimited virtualization rights https://t.co/b0vuAXgV via @ruthm #alignitca #mspartner
- @Infinitecodex: RT @EricLigman: MSDN Virtual Labs for @SQLServer 2012 available online: https://t.co/bjaAdjVe #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @sphomerun : RT @EricLigman: Officially announced: Small Business Competency in the Microsoft Partner Network: https://t.co/VgeYR5Cc #mspartner
- @Mohammed_ARaouf : RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner
- @chsantosh: RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @DerFredo : RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @Haris_mo: RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @JustinSlagle : RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @otaviorelias : RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @SQLEvangelist: RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @SQLGuzel : RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @sqlsniper: RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @stol12 : RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @swimtver: RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @tbony : RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @tentativenytes: RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @tsaquality : RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @XaocCPS : RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @SoykanOzcelik : RT @EricLigman: Online @SQLServer 2012 MSDN Virtual Labs available to you: https://ligman.me/AsbIFd #free #mspartner #SQL2012
- @WinObs: RT @EricLigman: Register now: #FREE #Windows8 Training Camps in NZ: https://t.co/8cEq6sPS #mspartner @BuildWindows8
- @ahmedsuliman55: RT @EricLigman: SQL Server 2012 Virtual Launch Event is two weeks from today. How to attend: https://t.co/nmcnYkiM #SQL2012 #mspartner
- @DMittelstaedt: RT @EricLigman: The @SQLServer 2012 Virtual Launch Event starts in four hours: https://t.co/1iSQ5OY9 #mspartner #SQL2012 #devmke
- @MSSolutionAccel : RT @EricLigman: Top 10 Benefits of #WindowsIntune: https://t.co/NCDOC1BH #MSPartner #Cloud
- @Office365: RT @EricLigman: Top 10 reasons for SMB businesses to choose #Office365 over #GoogleApps: https://ligman.me/AbcSPb @whymicrosoft
- @MSNZcloud: RT @EricLigman: Top 10 reasons for SMB businesses to choose #Office365 over #GoogleApps: https://ligman.me/A1Ex9Y @whymicrosoft
- @fkeys: RT @EricLigman: Top 10 reasons for SMB businesses to choose @Office365 over #GoogleApps: https://ligman.me/A1Ex9Y #WhyMSFT via @whymicrosoft
- @ashermathew: RT @EricLigman: Top 10 reasons for SMB businesses to choose @Office365 over #GoogleApps: https://ligman.me/A1Ex9Y #WhyMSFT #mspartner
- @Djoentje : RT @EricLigman: Top 10 reasons for SMB businesses to choose @Office365 over #GoogleApps: https://ligman.me/A1Ex9Y #WhyMSFT #mspartner
- @guidovbrakel : RT @EricLigman: Top 10 reasons for SMB businesses to choose @Office365 over #GoogleApps: https://ligman.me/A1Ex9Y #WhyMSFT #mspartner
- @siggipeters: RT @EricLigman: Top 10 reasons for SMB businesses to choose @Office365 over #GoogleApps: https://ligman.me/A1Ex9Y #WhyMSFT #mspartner
- @TrainingKent: RT @EricLigman: Top 10 reasons for SMB businesses to choose @Office365 over #GoogleApps: https://ligman.me/A1Ex9Y #WhyMSFT via @whymicrosoft
- @AlexWaterton: RT @EricLigman: Top 10 reasons for SMB businesses to choose @Office365 over #GoogleApps: https://ligman.me/A1Ex9Y #WhyMSFT via @whymicrosoft
- @SyntaxC4: RT @EricLigman: Training: #Free Azure/#Cloud, HTML5, & @WindowsPhone Events (US): https://t.co/ZE8TfijZ #mspartner #cloud
- @ErikCox : RT @EricLigman: Using Your Feedback to Shape the Microsoft Partner Experience: https://t.co/I9gmc7Sh #mspartner via @msuspartner
- @BandwidthBandit: RT @EricLigman: Where to get the Microsoft @SQLServer Connector for Apache Hadoop: https://ligman.me/x1phg0 #mspartner #SQLServer
- @Jorriss: RT @EricLigman: Where to get the Microsoft @SQLServer Connector for Apache Hadoop: https://ligman.me/x1phg0 #mspartner #SQLServer
- @matthewwi25: RT @EricLigman: Where to get the Microsoft @SQLServer Connector for Apache Hadoop: https://ligman.me/x1phg0 #mspartner #SQLServer
- @mywildhair : RT @EricLigman: Where to get the Microsoft @SQLServer Connector for Apache Hadoop: https://ligman.me/x1phg0 #mspartner #SQLServer
- @RetshunRet : RT @EricLigman: Where to get the Microsoft @SQLServer Connector for Apache Hadoop: https://ligman.me/x1phg0 #mspartner #SQLServer
- @TheRomit: RT @EricLigman: Where to get the Microsoft @SQLServer Connector for Apache Hadoop: https://ligman.me/x1phg0 #mspartner #SQLServer
- @shivbraveheart: RT @EricLigman: Woohoo! #Kinect for Windows is now available! https://t.co/uJsfJ8hv #Xbox
- @BlkRabbitCoder: RT @EricLigman: Woohoo! @SQLServer 2012 released to manufacturing! https://ligman.me/wKpddo #mspartner #SQL2012
- @feng_liu : RT @EricLigman: Woohoo! @SQLServer 2012 released to manufacturing! https://ligman.me/wKpddo #mspartner #SQL2012
- @frecordier : RT @EricLigman: Woohoo! @SQLServer 2012 released to manufacturing! https://ligman.me/wKpddo #mspartner #SQL2012
- @louisgohl : RT @EricLigman: Woohoo! @SQLServer 2012 released to manufacturing! https://ligman.me/wKpddo #mspartner #SQL2012
- @RinatGilmanov: RT @EricLigman: Woohoo! @SQLServer 2012 released to manufacturing! https://ligman.me/wKpddo #mspartner #SQL2012
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Eric Ligman – Follow me on TWITTER, LinkedIn, and RSS and see “What I’m thinking”
Director, Worldwide Partner Experience
Microsoft Corporation
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