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The top posts of 2011, and of all time

imageWelcome to 2012, everyone! I certainly hope you all had a fantastic holiday season and New Year’s Day. To kick off the 2012 year, I thought it might be fun to look back at 2011 quickly to see which of the posts here on the blog you all came to and visited the most. With that, below is a list of the top 50 posts here on my blog from 2011. Was one of these your favorite post from 2011? Plus, just for fun, I have the all-time top 25 list included below the Top 50 of 2011 list.

  1. Certified and Gold Certified partners, your Microsoft partner logo and software usage ri ...
  2. Happy New Year 2012 wishes and Thank You to all of you from all of us here at Microsoft
  3. How and where to download Microsoft Windows Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 Standard an ...
  4. How and where to download Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011 as a Microsoft pa ...
  5. Microsoft Partner Information, right on your phone. A new social app.
  6. How and where you can watch the Build Windows event keynote and be part of the excitement
  7. Updated: How and where to download Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011 as a Mic ...
  8. Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011 now available for download through Microsof ...
  9. TechNet Subscriptions: Another valuable benefit of your Microsoft Partner Network member ...
  10. Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 Release Candidate (RC) download & resources available
  11. How and where to download the Windows 8 Windows Developer Preview, watch the BUILD Day 1 ...
  12. Day 2 at Worldwide Partner Conference 2011 – Things to know
  13. How to get a FREE Microsoft Windows Azure platform 30 day pass and more
  14. Join us live for a Microsoft Office 365 Announcement on June 28th
  15. SBS 2011 tools, information, training, resources, and more for you
  16. Join us for a Microsoft Partner Network Interactive Leadership Forum
  17. Product teams and more come to the Microsoft Partner Information Mobile App in v. 1.3 to ...
  18. Day 3 at Worldwide Partner Conference 2011 – Things to know
  19. Microsoft Partner Info V. 2.0 is here with WPC app integration and more!
  20. Microsoft Partner Info V 2.2 mobile app now on Windows Phone Marketplace
  21. Nokia and Microsoft Strategic Partnership: Announcement, Press Conference webcast replay ...
  22. New mobility competency benefits + Windows Phone hardware and service plan discounts for ...
  23. Changes coming to Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) August 15th
  24. Great news! Up to 30% off plus free retakes on Microsoft certification exams offer is ba ...
  25. Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) updates this weekend
  26. How NOT to do customer service. The United Parcel Service (UPS) example.
  27. Ready for your Microsoft Partner Network membership renewal? Let us help!
  28. Microsoft Acquires Skype–Watch the Live Press Conference
  29. How to watch the Steve Ballmer 2011 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) openin ...
  30. Getting you directly to the Worldwide Partner Conference info (#WPC11)
  31. Big Easy Offer 2011–It’s back!
  32. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 information and resources, plus how to view the launch keyno ...
  33. “Windows 8” previewed, video available, and more
  34. Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Visual How Tos
  35. Grrrr!!! My Windows Phone NoDo update failed! Error Code 800705B4. Now what?!?
  36. How to register your MSDN benefit for an Action Pack Development & Design subscription
  37. Protect your Twitter and Facebook accounts! How to do it…
  38. Welcome to the new Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) experience
  39. Day 1 at Worldwide Partner Conference 2011 – Things to know
  40. Microsoft Tech-Ed North America 2011 – How to view and access information, videos and re ...
  41. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 launch, information, and resources for you
  42. New feeds slipstreamed into the Microsoft Partner Info mobile app today
  43. Woohoo! We’re pleased to announce the Microsoft acquisition of Skype has closed.
  44. Microsoft 2011 Partner of the Year Award winners and finalists announced. Congratulation ...
  45. Evolution of the Unified Communications competency – What you need to know
  46. Some of the top information you may have missed
  47. “Ask the partners” Tool launched in U.S. – Get answers, ask a question, and find a partner
  48. Do you want to see product feeds included in the Microsoft Partner Info mobile app? Let ...
  49. Fantastic Microsoft Office 365 Video Series – Office 365 Jump Start
  50. Did you miss any of these resources and links from this past week?

Now I wonder what your favorite post from 2012 will be? I guess we’ll have to take another look back in 12 months to find out together. One thing is for sure though, it is all of you that will determine it. Smile Speaking of which, are there particular topics or items you’d like to see more posts about here on the blog? Is there something in particular that I cover through my Twitter account or my LinkedIn account that you’d like to see more of here on the blog? If so, let me know.

I thought it would also be interesting to update the top posts of all-time on the blog are to see if any of the 2011 posts cracked into the top 25. Now, the 2011 posts obviously haven’t had as much time to gain readers as earlier posts (since they were put up later), but as we all know, time is not the only factor in determining what people read and what attracts viewers. Below are the top 25 posts of all-time on my blog, many of which my long-time readers will probably remember; however, for the new followers, they may be ones you did not see before. Interesting to see what you all have been reading the most. While none of the 2011 posts made the all-time top 25 list yet, there are a few that already made the all-time top 50 list and are working their way up.

  1. Regardless of what any hack says, a Windows 7 Upgrade is an Upgrade. What you need to kn ...
  2. OEM Microsoft Windows (including XP Pro and XP Home) Licensing Changes You Need To Know ...
  3. Announcing: Microsoft Security Essentials available FREE to Small Businesses in October!
  4. OEM Software. Let's Set The Record Straight...
  5. SBSC Exclusive 4-hour response time managed newsgroup
  6. Microsoft Action Pack – Too much? Too little?
  7. Microsoft Small Business and SBSC in NASCAR - Sponsorship opens doors for Microsoft Smal ...
  8. OEM Office for Terminal Services? You might want to check that EULA...
  9. OEM Microsoft Office Licensing Changes You Need To Know About!
  10. Say goodbye to Microsoft Office 2003
  11. Announcing Windows Essential Business Server - Formerly codename "Centro"
  12. Licensing Basics: What are CALs (Client Access Licenses)?
  13. Big news: Open Value Subscription launching in the U.S. and Canada!
  14. Windows 2003 Terminal Services – What licenses do I need? Examples both with and withou ...
  15. An upgrade is an upgrade. Apparently some people are easily confused.
  16. Device CALs and User CALs. What’s the deal?
  17. Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manger Availability for Volume Licen ...
  18. 15% off Microsoft Action Pack Development and Design Subscription offer
  19. Adding Software Assurance to your OEM Office licenses. What you need to know…
  20. Answer to a question on how Microsoft Office is licensed in a Terminal Services environm ...
  21. Save 43% or more on MSDN Subscriptions!
  22. Ok, say it with me... "Not For Resale."
  23. You're asking the wrong question... And it may be costing you money.
  24. Is it worth it to try to save a few dollars? Internet searches are probably not your be ...
  25. How many CALs does John Smith need?

Note: The rankings above are based on number of people visiting my blog online to read the posts, not offline in their email or RSS reader through their subscriptions to the blog.

Did you find this information helpful? If so, you may want to make sure you are utilizing all of the areas I share information online, such as: my Facebook page, my Twitter account, my Linkedin account, and my blog. Plus, you can now get all of the latest Microsoft Partner Information right on your phone!

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Thank you and have a wonderful day,

Eric LigmanFollow me on TWITTER, LinkedIn, and RSS and see “What I’m thinking
Director, Worldwide Partner Experience
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights

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Technorati Tags: Microsoft,blog,Top 10,Top 25,Top 50,posts,OEM,Windows,Small Business Server,SBSC,SBS,Office,Office 2003,Terminal Services,licensing,Open Value Subscription,Action Pack,Action Pack Subscription,Windows Phone,Mango,Build,Windows 8,Microsoft Partner Information,Eric Ligman,Outlook,Outlook 2007,Microsoft Security Essentials,NASCAR,racing,CALs,client access licenses,Software Assurance,Open Value,Open License,MPN,Microsoft Partner Network,Gold Certified Partner,Certified Partner,competency,Gold Competency,Silver Competency,Happy New Year,2012,Kevin Turner,Jon Roskill,Vahe Torossian,Ross Brown,Max Long,Robert Jones,Doug Kennedy,TechNet,Internet Explorer,IE9,beta,WPC11,Worldwide Partner Conference 2011,Worldwide Partner Conference,Windows Azure,Office 365,cloud,Interactive Leadership Forum,Nokia,announcement,VLSC,Volume Licensing Service Center,offers,certification,exams,promotions,Offers

del.icio.us Tags: Microsoft,blog,Top 10,Top 25,Top 50,posts,OEM,Windows,Small Business Server,SBSC,SBS,Office,Office 2003,Terminal Services,licensing,Open Value Subscription,Action Pack,Action Pack Subscription,Windows Phone,Mango,Build,Windows 8,Microsoft Partner Information,Eric Ligman,Outlook,Outlook 2007,Microsoft Security Essentials,NASCAR,racing,CALs,client access licenses,Software Assurance,Open Value,Open License,MPN,Microsoft Partner Network,Gold Certified Partner,Certified Partner,competency,Gold Competency,Silver Competency,Happy New Year,2012,Kevin Turner,Jon Roskill,Vahe Torossian,Ross Brown,Max Long,Robert Jones,Doug Kennedy,TechNet,Internet Explorer,IE9,beta,WPC11,Worldwide Partner Conference 2011,Worldwide Partner Conference,Windows Azure,Office 365,cloud,Interactive Leadership Forum,Nokia,announcement,VLSC,Volume Licensing Service Center,offers,certification,exams,promotions,Offers