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OMS Gateway with SCOM support now in public preview

Summary: Learn about the public preview of the OMS Gateway with SCOM support.

Hi Everyone, Nini here, and today I’m pleased to announce the release of the public preview version of the OMS Gateway with SCOM support . Since the release of the first version of the Gateway (formerly known as the Log Analytics Forwarder), we received multiple requests for this functionality, and finally it is here! This release provides a way to send data from your SCOM Management Server and SCOM Agents to OMS. Note that installing this Gateway will replace previous versions of the Gateway that you have installed.

In this post, I'll walk you through the following:

  1. How to configure the Gateway to support your SCOM Management Server
  2. How to take advantage of network load balancer for high availability
  3. How to configure the Gateway to support your automation hybrid workers
  4. PowerShell cmdlets that you can use to update the Gateway’s configuration settings


Direct Agent Direct Microsoft Monitoring Agents environment



SCOM Management Server SCOM Management Servers environment

Notice that SCOM agents send some data, such as SCOM alerts, configuration assessment, instance space, and capacity data, through the Management Server. Other high-volume data, such as IIS logs, performance, security, etc., is sent directly to the OMS Gateway. See Add Log Analytics solutions from the Solutions Gallery to get a complete list of data that is sent through each channel.

Configure SCOM

To use the Gateway to support SCOM, you need to have the following:

  • Microsoft Monitoring Agent (Agent version – 8.0.10900.0 and later) installed on the Gateway server and configured to OMS workspaces with which you want to communicate.
  • Gateway must have Internet connectivity or be connected to a proxy server that does.
  1. Open the Operations Manager console, and select Configure Proxy Server:


  1. Check the box that provides the option to use a proxy server to access the Operations Management Suite. Input the IP address of the OMS Gateway server. Be sure to start with the https:// prefix:


  1. Click Finish, and now you have your SCOM server connected to your Log Analytics workspace.

Take advantage of network load balancing

A common request that we have also received is the need for high availability for the Gateway. In this section, I’ll show you how you can use the network load balancer to do this.

  1. Open the network load balancer and create a new cluster.
  2. Right-click the cluster before adding Gateways, and select Cluster Properties. Configure the cluster to have its own IP address:


  1. To connect a Gateway server (with the Microsoft Monitoring Agent installed), right-click the cluster’s IP address, and then click Add Host to Cluster.


  1. Enter the IP Address of the Gateway’s server that you want to connect:


  1. On computers that do not have Internet connectivity, be sure to use the IP address of the cluster when you configure the Microsoft Monitoring Agent Properties:


The cluster will then manage traffic from your agents by redirecting the requested connections from the Microsoft Monitoring Agents across its nodes. If one Gateway server goes down, the traffic gets redirected to other nodes.

Configure the Gateway to support automation hybrid workers

If you have automation hybrid workers in your environment, these steps provide manual, temporary workarounds to configure the Gateway to support them.

  • If your computer is registered as a hybrid worker automatically for patching via the Update Management solution, use these steps:

1) Add the Job Runtime Data service URLs to the Allowed Host list on the OMS Gateway:

Add-OMSGatewayAllowedHost we-jobruntimedata-prod-su1.azure-automation.net

2) Restart the OMS Gateway Service by using the following PowerShell cmdlet:

Restart-Service OMSGatewayService

  • If your computer is on-boarded to Azure automation by using the hybrid worker registration cmdlet, use these steps:

1) Add the agent service registration URL to the Allowed Host list on the OMS Gateway:

Add-OMSGatewayAllowedHost ncus-agentservice-prod-1.azure-automation.net

2) Add the Job Runtime Data service URLs to the Allowed Host list on the OMS Gateway:

Add-OMSGatewayAllowedHost we-jobruntimedata-prod-su1.azure-automation.net

3) Restart the OMS Gateway Service.

Restart-Service OMSGatewayService

Use the following tables as a reference for the right URL based on your region:

Note: To locate your region, do this:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Select the Azure Automation service.
  3. Select the appropriate Azure Automation account.
  4. View your region under the Location field.


Job Runtime Dataservice URLs

Region URL
North Central US ncus-jobruntimedata-prod-su1.azure-automation.net
West Europe we-jobruntimedata-prod-su1.azure-automation.net
South Central US scus-jobruntimedata-prod-su1.azure-automation.net
East US eus-jobruntimedata-prod-su1.azure-automation.net
Central Canada cc-jobruntimedata-prod-su1.azure-automation.net
North Europe ne-jobruntimedata-prod-su1.azure-automation.net
South East Asia sea-jobruntimedata-prod-su1.azure-automation.net
Central India cid-jobruntimedata-prod-su1.azure-automation.net
Japan jpe-jobruntimedata-prod-su1.azure-automation.net
Australia ase-jobruntimedata-prod-su1.azure-automation.net

Agent Service URLs

Region URL
North Central US ncus-agentservice-prod-1.azure-automation.net
West Europe we-agentservice-prod-1.azure-automation.net
South Central US scus-agentservice-prod-1.azure-automation.net
East US eus2-agentservice-prod-1.azure-automation.net
Central Canada cc-agentservice-prod-1.azure-automation.net
North Europe ne-agentservice-prod-1.azure-automation.net
South East Asia sea-agentservice-prod-1.azure-automation.net
Central India cid-agentservice-prod-1.azure-automation.net
Japan jpe-agentservice-prod-1.azure-automation.net
Australia ase-agentservice-prod-1.azure-automation.net

Useful PowerShell cmdlets

These cmdlets enable you to carry certain tasks to update the OMS Gateway’s configuration settings. Before you use them, be sure to do the following:

  1. Install the OMS Gateway (MSI).
  2. Open the PowerShell window.
  3. Type this command to import the module – Import-Module OMSGateway.
  4. If no error occurred in the previous step, the module was successfully imported, and the cmdlets can be used. Type Get-Module OMSGateway.
  5. After you make changes by using these cmdlets, be sure to restart the Gateway service.

If you get an error in step 3, the module was not imported. This is usually caused because PowerShell was unable to find the module, but it can be found under the Gateway’s installation path: C:\Program File\Microsoft OMS Gateway\PowerShell.

Cmdlet Parameters Description Examples
Key (required)
Change the configuration of the service Set-OMSGatewayConfig -Name ListenPort -Value 8080
Get-OMSGatewayConfig Key Change the configuration of the service
Get-OMSGatewayConfig -Name ListenPort
Set address (and credential) of relay (upstream) proxy
1) Set a reply proxy and the credential:Set-OMSGatewayRelayProxy -Address https://www.myproxy.com:8080 -Username user1 -Password 123
2) Set a reply proxy that doesn’t need authentication:Set-OMSGatewayRelayProxy -Address https://www.myproxy.com:8080
3) Clear the reply proxy setting, that is, do not need a reply proxySet-OMSGatewayRelayProxy -Address “”
Get-OMSGatewayRelayProxy Set address of relay (upstream) proxy Get-OMSGatewayRelayProxy
Add-OMSGatewayAllowedHost Host (required) Add host to the allowed list Add-OMSGatewayAllowedHost -Host www.test.com
Remove-OMSGatewayAllowedHost Host (required) Remove host from the allowed list Remove-OMSGatewayAllowedHost -Host www.test.com
Get-OMSGatewayAllowedHost Get currently allowed host (only local configured allowed host, do not include automatically downloaded allowed hosts) Get-OMSGatewayAllowedHost
Add-OMSGatewayAllowedClientCertificate Subject (required) Add client certificate subject to the allowed list Add-OMSGatewayAllowedClientCertificate -Subject mycert
Remove-OMSGatewayAllowedClientCertificate Subject (required) Remove client certificate subject from the allowed list Remove- OMSGatewayAllowedClientCertificate -Subject mycert
Get-OMSGatewayAllowedClientCertificate Get currently allowed client certificate subjects (only local configured allowed subjects, do not include automatically downloaded allowed subjects) Get-OMSGatewayAllowedClientCertificate

Troubleshoot the OMS Gateway

We recommend that you install the OMS Agent on computers that have the Gateway installed. With the agent, you can collect events that the Gateway logs.

OMS Gateway Event IDs and descriptions

Name Description
400 Any application error that does not have a specific id
401 Wrong configuration. For example: listenPort = “haha” instead of an integer
402 Exception in parsing TLS handshake messages
403 Networking error. For example: cannot connect to target server
100 General information
101 Service has started
102 Service has stopped
103 Received a HTTP CONNECT command from client
104 Not a HTTP CONNECT command
105 Destination server is not in allowed list or the destination port is not secure port (443)
106 In any reason that the TLS session is suspicious and rejected
107 The TLS session has been verified

Performance counters to collect

Name Description
OMS Gateway\Active Client Connection Number of active client network (TCP) connections
OMS Gateway\Connected Client Number of connected clients
OMS Gateway\Rejection Count Number of rejections due to any TLS validation error



What's next?

Moving forward, we plan to list the automation hybrid worker and other URLs that you’d find useful so that they are provisioned automatically and make improvements based on your feedback!

That is all I have for you today. If you have feedback or questions, please leave a comment below or leave us feedback on our Uservoice under the OMS Gateway category.

You can get a free Microsoft Operations Management Suite (#MSOMS) subscription so that you can test it. You can also get a free subscription for Microsoft Azure.

Nini Ikhena
Microsoft Operations Management Team


  • Anonymous
    September 26, 2016
    The images are illegible
  • Anonymous
    September 28, 2016
    @Isaias - we republished the images, and they should be clearer now.
  • Anonymous
    October 03, 2016
    The comment has been removed
    • Anonymous
      October 03, 2016
      Once the management server is configured with the proxy information, it gets propagated automatically to the agents reporting to it.