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Calling Microsoft Partners in EMEA

Microsoft’s 4th annual Microsoft PARTNER MS101 EMEA Conference will be held 16 - 19 February 2009 in Munich, Germany!   This conference will be jam packed with useful information sessions about how to build an alliance with and make the most of your relationship with Microsoft.  Our primary objective for Microsoft PARTNER MS101 EMEA is to enable and provide a jumpstart on your understanding of Microsoft, covering our strategies, products, customer campaigns and field organization for our key enterprise partner alliance, marketing and sales contacts to decrease the time-to-opportunities & engagement and to drive wins and revenue!!!image

To attend:

  • You must be a managed Microsoft Enterprise Partner, meaning you must have a Microsoft Partner Account Manager (PAM) or Business Development Manager (BDM) assigned to your company
  • You must consider your primary customer market segment as the Enterprise segment since the conference content is primarily focused on the Enterprise Customer Segment

Conference Commences: 16 February @ 19:00 Welcome Reception

Conference Concludes: 19 February @ 17:30

Le Méridien Munich

Bayerstrasse 41

Munich 80335 · Germany

Le Meridien Hotel  Web Site

Don’t miss this great opportunity to solidify your partnership with Microsoft.  Register today by visiting the Microsoft PARTNER MS101 web site here and type in the event password MS101.  You will then be taken to the event registration site, where you can click on the “EMEA 2009” icon and type in the event password MS101 when asked.  If you need a hotel, please indicate that on the website.  Alternatively you can go directly to the Registration Site and use the event password: MS101.

Here are a few comments from previous partner attendees:

“Exceeded my expectations!  I learned in 3 days what would take years.”

“..this was one of the best training sessions I have ever attended – After 20 years in high tech – …..”

“Outstanding!  The business value of MS101 is incredible and I recommend this for any partner developing or executing an alliance with Microsoft”

“Without question, the industry’s strongest partner training event.”

“A great, informative week – you touched on everything possible to give an introductory yet rich overview of Microsoft’s offering and the company as a whole.”

“This has been an extremely valuable conference.  I will be pushing my co-workers who have not gone to go.”

“I have been to a few others and this program is more developed, mature and comprehensive.”

“Integrated.  Experienced.  Probably one of the best from the viewpoint of program overall makeup, presentations (presentation, information), and social treatments.”

We hope to see you in Munich in February 2009!

Happy Holidays,

Global ISV Team