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MSDN Webcasts This Week: SharePoint for Developers, Windows Mobile, Visual Studio 2008

We’re back online. After a day being down, our registration system came back up on Monday night. It’s a high priority to make our webcasts easier to find and consume and should see results in a few months.

Here are a few of the webcasts that are broadcast this week. Topics include developing with SharePoint Server, Windows Mobile and Zain’s Visual Studio 2008 webcast series on Web Applications AJAX support and running tests.

MSDN Webcast: Overview of New Features for Web Applications (Level 200)

Love the Web. Be the Web. You can become the Zen master of Web development with the awesome new tools in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 development system. Join us as we take you on a tour of the great stuff for Web developers. Presenter:Zain Naboulsi

5/20/2008 1:00 PM -2:30 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) | Duration: 90 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: Introduction to SharePoint for .NET Developers: Data Lists (Level 100)

Join this webcast, one of a 10-part series on SharePoint Server for developers, to learn how from Robert Bogue, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for SharePoint Server. Data lists provide data storage for users in SharePoint Server. Users can create lists with schema all through the SharePoint Server UI and they can create, edit, and view the data. All of this data can be programmatically accessed by developers and this webcast is all about that.

5/21/2008 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific Time | Duration: 60 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: Developing Your First Real Windows Mobile 6 Application (Part 2 of 4) (Level 200)

Although you may be familiar with many aspects of the .NET Compact Framework, mobile software development requires additional considerations such as designing a user interface for small displays, adapting the user interface to different device form factors, and avoiding unnecessary battery consumption. In this webcast, we address how you can handle these issues and demonstrate how you can test your application with the Windows Mobile Device Emulator before you deploy your application to the first device.Presenter:Jim Wilson, Product Developer, JW Hedgehog, Inc.

5/21/2008 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time | Duration: 60 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: AJAX Support in Visual Studio 2008 (Level 200)

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) has become a great way to get more value out of your Web applications. Here we explore how Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 empowers you to use AJAX without having to learn all the low-level details of JavaScript. Presenter:Zain Naboulsi

5/21/2008 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Pacific Time | Duration: 90 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: Running Tests with Visual Studio 2008 (Level 200)

Have you never run a unit test? Does testing strike fear into your heart? Well fear not as we explore the wonder and glory that is testing in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. Learn the how, when, where, and why of testing. Armed with this newfound knowledge you will be able to amaze your friends with your testing prowess. Presenters:Zain Naboulsi

5/23/2008 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Pacific Time | Duration: 90 Minutes

Webcast Series: https://www.microsoft.com/events/series/default.mspx

Webcast Calendar: https://www.microsoft.com/events/webcasts/calendar/monthview.aspx

Advanced Search of Media: https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/AdvancedSearch.aspx?culture=en-US#advsearchloaded