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Office Space: Solution Deployment with SharePoint 2007

In his May 2007 MSDN Magazine column, Ted Pattison explained how to create, test, and debug Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) components. Now, in the August 2007 issue. Ted takes a look at the deployment side.

WSS 3.0 introduces a new deployment mechanism, known as a solution package, that allows you to create an installation procedure. What’s really nice about solution packages is that they allow you to create a single distributable file that abstracts away the details of whether the deployment target is a single SharePoint server or an enterprise-scale server farm with multiple front-end Web servers.

The code for this column also includes updates to Ted's OfficeSpaceFeature project, including the extra files needed to build and deploy all the required components and files as a solution package.


Terrence Dorsey
