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Windows 8 Matching App Background Color to Splash Background Color

Have you ever created some fantastic app images for your app logo, store logo and splash screen and then realizes the app background in no way matches the splash background?  I wanted the app background and splash screen to match.  So what is the easiest way to accomplish that?

In the Visual Studio in the Package.appmanifest Application UI Tab there is a setting for the background color.  Guessing at the actual background color of my splash was not really an option (e.g. there are 16 million plus options). 



So how do you get the color.  I opened my handy copy of Paint.NET and open my splashscreen.png file.  Using the eye dropper icon I selected clicked the background color.



Paint.NET provides a windows with all sorts of color information, including the hex value for the pixel I selected.  I took this hex value back and plugged it into Visual Studio and the app background and the splash background are now a perfect match.



If you don’t have Paint.NET (free install BTW) you could use Paint.  Use the paint color dropper.  The paint color dropper doesn’t provide hex values, but you can plug the colors into something like a RGB to hex converter (e.g. https://www.javascripter.net/faq/rgbtohex.htm) and get the same results.