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More info on SP1 for Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2

Following on from my previous blog entry, there is now a public FAQ to address the questions being asked practically every day – below are my top 5 of which to be aware:

Q: When will SP1 be released?
  Service Pack 1 will be released within the first half of calendar year 2011.

Q: Should customers who are considering deploying Windows 7 wait for SP1?
No.  Windows 7 is a high quality release and provides many benefits to consumers and businesses alike.  SP1 will include all updates previously available to Windows 7 users through Windows Update, so there is no reason to wait or delay their use of Windows 7.

Q. Can I upgrade from the beta builds to the final build of SP1?
No. You will have to uninstall the Service Pack or do a clean install of Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.

Q. Will I be able to uninstall the service pack beta?
  Yes, you will be able to uninstall the service pack beta if you need to.
Please Note, it is always a best practice to back up your data prior to installing any beta software.

Q. Will the beta stop functioning after a certain amount of time?
  Yes.  You will be reminded beginning March 30, 2011. The beta will expire on June 30, 2011. You will have to upgrade to a newer build or uninstall and return to the RTM build by that time.