Select everything from every table in every database
[Caution: This is for testing only if you want to have a cached dataset, will have severe issues in production servers if you just executed it for trial]
We all know the undocumented (then it's not supported) procedure that executes a code in every database which is sp_msforeachdb
And its twin that executes against all tables in one database which is sp_msforeachtable but sometimes we want to mix them together and it's challenging because the replacement character in both is "? " But there's a way to change it and I thought it's nice to share
The sp_msforeachtable takes another parameter for the replacement character so you can change it
So this statement will work for one database
exec sp_msforeachtable 'select * from $', '$'
And this one will get you everything from ALL databases
exec sp_msforeachdb 'USE ?;exec sp_msforeachTable ''select * from !'',''!''';