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What Did We Learn Today?

Thoughts on learning and technology

Microsoft Wants You to Know: PCs Are Cheaper Than Macs - Advertising Age - News

Smart, finally, and simple. Microsoft Wants You to Know: PCs Are Cheaper Than Macs - Advertising Age...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/28/2009

Gartner: Don't Wait for Windows 7 SP1 - InternetNews.com

Maybe Windows 7 adoption will be faster than we think: Gartner: Don't Wait for Windows 7 SP1 -...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/26/2009

Microsoft's IE8 Catches Most 'Social Malware' - News and Analysis by PC Magazine

Get this out of the way – Microsoft funded the study. Still interested in the results?  ...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/25/2009

Mike Ormond's Blog : IE 8 Compatibility - Meta Tags, Http Headers, User Agent Strings etc etc

For those of you running IE 8 (thanks), you are by now familiar with Compatibility View. CV makes...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/24/2009

Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/23/2009

Not a Kindle

If you like the Kindle idea of reading books on a portable device, but you don’t want to go the...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/22/2009

Web browser stuff

Faced with having to redevelop some commercial websites to support Firefox, I tripped over a pretty...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/19/2009

A stranger in my driveway

Breaking the rules and publishing multiple blog posts today, but erring on the side of timeliness....

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/18/2009

Need a ride to Tech·Ed in LA?

Join the Microsoft Learning Community team as we make our way cross-country to find the best...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/18/2009

Elevate America, Part 2 (Twitter feed now available)

From the March MCP newsletter: Microsoft Elevate America Launch (U.S. only) Microsoft has announced...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/18/2009

Elevate America

Why so quiet lately? I’ve been heads down on a great opportunity to retrain and certify America’s...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/17/2009

Zune gives out more free Video Content | Zune Agent

Starting Wednesday (2/11 or 11/2, depending…) there will be a new batch of free video content up on...

Author: mmulcare Date: 02/11/2009

Microsoft Patent Envisions a Desktop Smartphone | Gadget Lab from Wired.com

Maybe you are sitting in front of your last PC. MS has applied for a patent for a Desktop Smartphone...

Author: mmulcare Date: 01/30/2009

App Store for Windows Mobile Devices

Some one showed me the Google App Store today for the G1/Android phone, and I thought the MS version...

Author: mmulcare Date: 01/19/2009

Microsoft Research Songsmith

I can't bring myself to watch another season of American Idol. Maybe Songsmith is what I need to get...

Author: mmulcare Date: 01/15/2009

Download the Windows 7 Beta

Running pre-release software is like driving an Italian car – very cool when things are working,...

Author: mmulcare Date: 01/12/2009

America's Most Literate Cities of 2008

Places I would consider living. Seattle, DC, and Boston are BTDT (been there, done that) – so maybe...

Author: mmulcare Date: 01/06/2009


Courtesy of Vlad Studio. Full version here. BTW – Snoqualmie West opens tomorrow, and Central on...

Author: mmulcare Date: 12/19/2008

Confidential – photo of new Zune Mobile Phone device

Wow – comes with wireless headphones!! :-)

Author: mmulcare Date: 12/17/2008

Add demos to your e-learning with Community Clips

Use the Community Clips tool from Office Labs to add screen capture functionality to your Office...

Author: mmulcare Date: 11/25/2008

Aw, Snap!

That’s my favorite error message screen of the year so far – thanks to Google Chrome. Got this while...

Author: mmulcare Date: 11/24/2008

Microsoft Certified Architect Program

Microsoft Certified Architects are an elite, world-class community of experts in IT architecture....

Author: mmulcare Date: 11/06/2008

Casting call for Certification video

Payment: No Pay Description: Production Coordinator is looking for well-spoken real Microsoft...

Author: mmulcare Date: 10/22/2008

With the reassignment of our intrepid MSL blogger Trika, Microsoft Learning has launched a new...

Author: mmulcare Date: 09/25/2008

Free Software...

Train on Windows Server 2008, and get the software free While supplies last, you can receive Windows...

Author: mmulcare Date: 09/12/2008

Take Hyper-V E-learning Clinics for free

MSL has released 4 new virtualization e-learning clinics and a new MSL Virtualization Technology...

Author: mmulcare Date: 09/10/2008

¿Es ése el Conquistador?

Guess what Bill, you're a 10.

Author: mmulcare Date: 09/05/2008

Hungry, but nothing heavy...

Back at the keyboard after a long summer sojourn to Saratoga Springs, NY. Am I glad to be back? Ask...

Author: mmulcare Date: 09/05/2008

The virtual classroom

There are at least 3 advantages of classroom training that make it more effective than online...

Author: mmulcare Date: 07/15/2008

Bill Gates: Looking Back, Moving Ahead

A fun video paying tribute to Bill Gates on his last full day at work at Microsoft. Bill Gates:...

Author: mmulcare Date: 06/27/2008

Add Live Search to your blog or site

A bit redundant since Community Server blogs are already indexed and has search built in, but in...

Author: mmulcare Date: 06/24/2008

What's the frequency Kenneth?

A cool tool from CNET Tip of the Day mail: Radio-Locator.com. Ever tried to tune a wireless...

Author: mmulcare Date: 06/20/2008

Home again

And all too true... Happy Memorial Day weekend, stay dry.

Author: mmulcare Date: 05/24/2008

Greetings from the Empire State

I've been enjoying a few weeks downtime in upstate NY - I've forgotten how nice it is here in May. I...

Author: mmulcare Date: 05/12/2008

E-learning Authoring Toolset (LCDS) RTW

So what have we been working on at Microsoft Learning? The first community version of our internal...

Author: mmulcare Date: 04/18/2008

Yo dawg, check it out...

Casting call for Microsoft E-learning Customer Testimonial Video: Microsoft Learning's Production...

Author: mmulcare Date: 04/16/2008

Tools of the trade (II)

I'm really enjoying Live Writer for creating blog posts - certainly more than the built-in editor...

Author: mmulcare Date: 04/08/2008

How do you like to learn?

As they say on the Deadliest Catch - let the gear soak for awhile. Well, this poll's been soaking...

Author: mmulcare Date: 04/06/2008

Silicon Valley meetings go 'topless' - Los Angeles Times

Hear hear! I started going topless around the first of the year. Predictably - I'm getting more out...

Author: mmulcare Date: 04/02/2008

Cert news you can use

Couple of Microsoft Certification Live Meeting events coming up this month.... Title: Certification...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/31/2008

Now I get it...

My posts below show how confused I was about the power of the Apple logo. But, while power-walking...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/30/2008

All we are saying...

Today marks the milestone of 4,000 US soldiers killed in the Iraq War. Yesterday (Easter Sunday)...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/24/2008

You said it (again)...

Here are the results of the most recent mini-poll on the optimal online course duration: A normal...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/20/2008

The Netflix Prize

Another lunch-time conversation sticking in my head today - talked with some colleagues about the...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/14/2008

And I'm a PC...

I take that back - there is some online software training on the Apple website. I had to dig a...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/13/2008

Blah, blah, blog

8 days without a blog-able thought - not god. I've been laying low, writing use-cases and business...

Author: mmulcare Date: 03/11/2008

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