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Do you hire IT personnel? Be part of a podcast!

imageWe’re looking for Seattle-area hiring managers to share their thoughts on Microsoft Certification and its relevance in making hiring decisions. Tell us what you look for in prospective IT hires, and how certification influences your decision.

What does it tell you about a potential new hire when you see certifications on a resume? What advice would you give a job-seeker who is looking for a new position or considering a career change? In this difficult economy, your words of wisdom could make all the difference for someone seeking to get hired in the IT field.

Recording will take place at the Microsoft Learning offices in Bellevue, Washington, and will take only an hour or two of your time. Contact Monica Kilwine (v-monick@microsoft.com) for a pre-interview. Only Seattle-area candidates please.

I’ll sweeten the pot with a free e-learning collection access code for everyone who responds to this invitation. Just copy me on your response mail to Monica. mailto:mike.mulcare@microsoft.com.