다음을 통해 공유

How to Tap IT’s Hidden Potential

The Wall Street Journal's article says it best when it says that "Some of the biggest names in the business world have used information technology to their competitive advantage: Merrill Lynch, American Airlines, FedEx, Barclays, to name a few."

Today the top executives at most companies are still failing to recognize the value of IT. This is specifically what we are discussing in our Launch (TDM) events at this time; the value of IT and how Microsoft is helping IT make an impact on the business success and competitive edge. Find an event near you at https://www.microsoft.com/heroeshappenhere/register/default.mspx .

Success in the digital economy of the 21st century demands a strategic role for IT and today's CEOs can't ignore IT and expect to succeed.

Read the entire article here.
