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How to Comply With E-Discovery Rules Before You're Hit With a Lawsuit

I was reading this article and it brought me back to a lot of my events where we talk about the value of our solutions, such as Exchange Server 2007 and Office SharePoint Server 2007, in helping companies comply easier with regulations and e-discovery rules. This is a great read for any organization as it has 5 quick steps for you to take to ensure that you don't end up on the wrong side of the law.

From the list were great points such as ensuring that IT and legal work hand in hand in developing policies and procedures for keeping email and documents. Clean up document repositories to get rid of outdated and unneeded documents; maybe set up a policy to take action on documents after a certain period of time. Educating the users will go a long way towards ensuring success. What should they keep what should they discard, and what should they think about when creating and sending out emails and documents. Be sure that you have proper technology solutions in place to allow for search and retrieval of email and documents.

Overall, it's a great quick read to ensure that you are ready when life happens. Check out the entire article here.
