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Entourage Synching Tasks with Exchange Server 2007

Q. Will Entourage have the ability to sync tasks with Exchange 2007? Currently, when one of my users updates a task in Entourage, it does not update the task on Exchange 2003. When he updates it with his PDA phone using Windows Mobile 5, it does update the task on the server, but that change is not reflected in Entourage. Will this change in Exchange 2007?

A. You can't access the Tasks and Notes folders in your Exchange mailbox using Entourage, they are not supported currently. The folders you see in Entourage are local folders and they are not linked to the same folders in your Exchange mailbox. WM5 devices uses Active Sync and thus can interact with these folders in your Exchange mailbox. This feature does not depend on the version of Exchange server, so it does not matter if it's 2007 or 2003.