SQL Server Replication: Providing High Availability using Database Mirroring
Writer: Gopal
Ashok (Microsoft Corporation), Paul S. Randal (SQLskills.com)
Technical Reviewers: Hilary Cotter (Relevant Noise), Prem Mehra, Lindsey Allen,
Sanjay Mishra, Glenn Berry (SQL Server MVP), Jimmy May, Mike Ruthruff, Michael
Redman, Joseph Sack, Jean-Yves Devant, Mike Weiner, and Mike Habben
Technical Writer: Glenn Minch
Project Editor: Diana Steinmetz
Originally Published: August 2008
Last Updated:
March 2011
Applies to:
SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2
This white paper describes how to use database mirroring to increase the
availability of the replication stream in a transactional environment. The
document covers setting up replication in a mirrored environment, the effect of
mirroring partnership state changes, and the effect of mirroring failovers on
replication. In addition, it describes how to use LSN-based initialization to
recover from the failover of a mirrored Subscriber database.
To download the entire
paper please reference: https://download.microsoft.com/download/d/9/4/d948f981-926e-40fa-a026-5bfcf076d9b9/ReplicationAndDBM.docx