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Actual bug opened in VS 2003 database during 2001 earthquake in Washington :-)

===== Opened by larsberg on 02/28/2001 12:11PM =====
While using Object Browser, clicking on delegates seemed to cause the room to shake. I have been unable to repro since rebuilding the library, but would appreciate research, as it was difficult to click on sub-nodes during this event. This significantly impacts the user experience.
===== Edited by larsberg on 02/28/2001 12:16PM ===== -->
AssignedTo: larsberg -> rahulk
===== Resolved as By Design by rahulk in on 02/28/2001 12:48PM ===== -->
AssignedTo: rahulk -> larsberg
Using the object browser is SUPPOSED to be an earth shaking experience. Still, I'd prefer not to try and repro this one again for some time.
===== Closed by larsberg on 02/28/2001 12:58PM =====