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What can you do in the Virtual Earth SDK...here's what!

Okay so just a short post this one, wanted to highlight to you all the cool features in Virtual Earth that a colleague Vikas Arora highlighted to me. Imagine how these can add colour and stickiness to your website with the Virtual Earth SDK:


I want to:

https://dev.live.com/virtualearth/sdk/img/collapse.gif Show a map

Show the default map

Show a specific map

Use a callback

Show a 3D map

https://dev.live.com/virtualearth/sdk/img/expand.gif Control the map

Zoom in

Zoom out

Zoom to level 15

Set center

Set center and zoom

Set the map view

Set the map style

Get the map style

Pan the map

Pan the map to a LatLong

https://dev.live.com/virtualearth/sdk/img/expand.gif Work with 3D maps

Switch modes (2D-3D)

Set the map view

Get the map view

Continuous pan (5 seconds)

Set alt., heading, and pitch

Get alt., heading, and pitch

Hide the 3D nav control

Show the 3D nav control

https://dev.live.com/virtualearth/sdk/img/expand.gif Show/hide controls

Hide the nav control

Show the nav control

Hide the 3D nav control

Show the 3D nav control

Add a custom control

Remove a custom control

Show the find control

Hide the find control

https://dev.live.com/virtualearth/sdk/img/expand.gif Use pushpins

Add a default pushpin

Add a custom pushpin

Delete a specific pushpin

Delete all pushpins

Use a callback

https://dev.live.com/virtualearth/sdk/img/expand.gif Find information

Find a location

Find nearby

Find both what and where

Use default disambiguation

Use custom disambiguation

https://dev.live.com/virtualearth/sdk/img/expand.gif Get a route and directions

Get a route

Show the directions

Switch to quickest and km

Delete the route

https://dev.live.com/virtualearth/sdk/img/expand.gif Draw lines and polygons

Draw a polygon

Draw a thin blue line

Draw a thick red line

Delete last polyline/polygon

Delete all polylines/polygons

https://dev.live.com/virtualearth/sdk/img/expand.gif Use pushpin layers

Add a GeoRSS layer

Add a VECollection layer

Hide a layer

Show a layer

Delete a layer

https://dev.live.com/virtualearth/sdk/img/expand.gif Use custom tile layers

Add a tile layer (opacity=0.5)

Add a tile layer (opacity=1.0)

Add a tile layer (opacity=0.3)

Delete the tile layer

https://dev.live.com/virtualearth/sdk/img/expand.gif Use birds eye images

Show a specific image

Change the orientation

Get a neighboring image

Get scene info

https://dev.live.com/virtualearth/sdk/img/expand.gif Get map info



Get center LatLong

Convert pixel to LatLong

Convert LatLong to pixel



What's new in the latest release?


All this available at the Virtual Earth SDK site at:



