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So how do Microsoft help partners - simple example - PR

Tyan                         Dell


I am often asked how Microsoft help a business and usually the conversation goes something like this:

- How much marketing money can you give us?

- How many leads can you give us? 

The savvy partners get involved with us in a multi layered approach. A good example of this would be Tyan who came to me the other day around having their hardware and our software evaluated by PC Pro magazine (so watch out for that soon!) So what have we done:


  1. Put them in touch with an ISV partner so that PC Pro get the best experience with evaluating the Tyan hardware - in this case we chose MathConsult
  2. Arranged for our PR agency to get involved to help PC Pro get what they need from the article (after all journalists are just trying to do their job so let's help them!)

You may have read a post from me last week around the FSGi initiative ran by Corporate Modelling (Financial Services Grid Initiative - Launched!) - again I helped to simply highlight the work the partners (in that case Dell and Corporate Modelling) have done in that space but it's another example of little ways Microsoft can help your business.

I would encourage all partners to think creatively about how they would like to work with their partners and you may well be surprised! As one partner said to me last week:

'We got hundreds of hits as a result of you highlighting our work on your blog - you should charge us for the PR'

Well I wont be charging...but do look forward to you helping me in my work too :-)
