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Protecting Privacy - could Search be the last bastion in protecting identity....or the tool used against us all by the evil doers...??

Hi All,

So as I flick through my copy of the Sunday Times, slalom through my news feeds or shred the last of my junk mail from last week I cannot help notice the raft of stories cited by the press from the hp news around their board room shenanigans.

In case you havent seen this have a look at the following links:



Now this all got me thinking.....if over time the power of Search was to grow to the point that all digital media in business became available online - then what would happen and more importantly what would be the important issues when buying software for your business and or selling software for other businesses in the case of partners.

Let's imagine that in 5 years time the following was all available online:

  1. All voicemails
  2. All e-mails
  3. All digital CCTV footage of your whereabouts - journey to work, a stroll in the park, a shopping trip at the weekend, the presentation you did to your hottest prospect?

Now, in the contexts above Search can be wonderfully powerful - maybe in finding the missing toddler who ran away from their parents or locating the phone number of the person who left you a voicemail which you didnt quite catch first time around. However, do you want all of this accessible to everyone all of the time?

The opportunities for exploitation are obvious - seriously do I really want my Mum commenting on where I have been at the weekend - noooo way :-) This brings into the spotlight some of the critical features of Microsoft's search platform - I will name just a few here:

  • Only allowing certain people access to folders in SharePoint but not all
  • Ensuring people who search a corporate intranet - for example HR can see data that sales cannot, finance can change sales targets but sales people cannot (oh if only...)

Simple things in their own right, but critically important to the rights of the individual. So search can be a beautifully powerful tool in the right hands but beware the risks and purchase the software and or choose whose you sell carefully. Read more here on SPS code access security:

