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HPC Video Interview on Microsoft and OpenSource

Just a quick link to a nice video on Microsoft and OpenSource, you may remember Ryan from a couple of interviews we did a while back when he visited the HPC team in the UK. Just click on the picture of Ryan to go straight to the interview!

Interviewers: Scott Swigart, and Sean Campbell

Interviewee: Ryan Waite


Ryan Waite

In this interview, we talk with Ryan Waite, Group Program Manager for High-Performance Computing at Microsoft.  We talk about:

Microsoft’s entry into the High Performance Computing area.

Microsoft’s support of the open source Message Passing Interface (MPI).

MPI has become bloated, and there’s no usability data (like there is with Microsoft Office) to indicate what should be deprecated.

At Microsoft, select customers help shape the features for the next product release.

Microsoft has always focused on ease of use, simplified administration, and uncomplicated setup. HPC is no different.

Instrumentation helps find reliability issues. If partners are affecting reliability (with unstable drivers, for example) certification helps raise the bar.

Parallel programming is now the only way to do more computation in the same amount of time. Processors just are getting faster like they used to.

It’s easier for open source to be incremental. Proprietary software has to make radical changes.

Hard drives + overnight shipping = really high bandwidth.

